The younger brother of accused Bourke Street killer Dimitrious Gargasoulas has been warned by a magistrate to keep a low profile over the holiday period but has had his bail conditions eased.
"It's a quiet New Year's Eve, don't go out partying," magistrate John Hardy advised Angelo Gargasoulas in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday, approaching the end of a year dotted by regular court appearances and stints in and out of jail for the 26-year-old.

"No plans," Gargasoulas responded with a chuckle.
Gargasoulas is awaiting sentence after pleading guilty to unlawful assault, criminal damage, possessing the drug ice and breaching court orders over an incident in July, when he entered a woman's home, held a knife near her and said "You bitch, slut", and threw her mobile phone against a wall.
A subsequent plea of guilty to breaching bail meant Gargasoulas has four times this year admitted to a series of criminal offences.
He has been in and out of custody but is currently on bail.
Mr Hardy told him his latest drug treatment report was a good one and extended his bail, and removed orders Gargasoulas report to police every day of the week. He now has to report daily between Monday and Friday but not at weekends.
Gargasoulas is due to return to court in February for sentencing.
This year he served time for throwing an object – which police say was a vacuum flask – at the woman because she wasn't making him a toasted sandwich quickly enough while he was hungover and drug-affected, and for the separate incidents of holding a knife in a threatening manner during an argument with his boyfriend and smashing plates and glassware during an argument with the woman.
His latest court appearance came a day before Dimitrious Gargasoulas is scheduled to appear on six counts of murder and 28 of attempted murder over the January 20 tragedy in central Melbourne, which killed six people and injured dozens more.
Police allege the older Gargasoulas brother, 27, mowed down dozens of pedestrians at lunchtime.
A three-month-old boy and a 10-year-old girl were among those who died.
Dimitrious Gargasoulas' lawyers have indicated that on Friday he could either be deemed unfit to stand trial or will plead not guilty by way of mental impairment. He remains in custody.
He also faces unrelated charges, which include driving, drug, assault and theft offences, that were laid either last year or in early January.