Frustrated by a lack of interest from state and federal governments, some local communities have taken renewable energy into their own hands.
In Goulburn, a group of residents and businesses has come together to build a community-funded 1.2-megawatt solar farm, with 4000 panels and the capacity to power between 350 and 500 houses in the region.
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Clean Energy 4 Goulburn was formed when locals attended a sustainable energy forum with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage three years ago, group president Ed Suttle said.
"[The office] must have said they had funding available right then to finance a feasibility study for a community solar farm," Mr Suttle said. "The land owner had land available and it was right next to the right sort of power cables to make the thing potentially work.

"Within about three weeks they had put in a grant application and had the money for a feasibility study and off they went."
Mr Suttle said project's main ethos was keeping the farm as community focused as possible.
"In a perfect world the farm will be built by the community, owned by the community, and supplying power to the community and the profits stay within the community," he said.
Clean Energy 4 Goulburn, a committee of seven, wanted to raise $2 million to finance the project, half of which it hoped would come from the local community. So far, the group had 800 expressions of interest from potential investors.
"We've made a commitment that we will be 51 per cent community owned as a minimum and I'm confident that we'll get that 51 per cent," Mr Suttle said.
The group hoped it would be able to provide 50 per cent of its energy output to one major end user, such as a local government or large institution, and the other 50 per cent would be sold via an electricity retailer to the Goulburn community.
The feasibility study found the project was viable, and Clean Energy 4 Goulburn made a development application to the Goulburn Mulwaree Council.
"The council, bless their hearts, had never had an application for a solar farm before," Mr Suttle said. "The development application eventually took almost 11 months to come through, and you can't do anything until you know you're allowed to build."
The next step was to approach Essential Energy, which owns the power infrastructure in the region, to get permission to use the poles and wires. The approval, which was meant to take three weeks, came through recently after five months.
"Where we're at now is we can build and we can put the power into the local poles and wires," Mr Suttle said. "The farm will be completed in 2018."
The solar farm is being built on a 2.5 hectare site east of the town centre owned by Divall's Haulage, owned by brothers Andrew and Michael Divalls.