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Posted: 2017-11-03 00:29:57

Posted November 03, 2017 11:29:57

It was a dark Halloween in America when the deadliest New York terror attack since 9/11 happened in the shadow of the Freedom Tower on Manhattan's West Side.

On a sparkling autumn afternoon, 29-year-old Uzbek Sayfullo Saipov hired a ute and drove at speed 20 blocks along a bike path, mowing down more than 20 people, killing eight.

Within 24 hours, the FBI and the NYPD had pieced together a striking portrait of the killer and how he'd planned the attack.

The young man, who is a legal permanent resident and came to the US under the diversity visa lottery in 2010, told them he was inspired by watching Islamic State videos on his phone.

New York authorities were quick to respond after the attack.

"We know that this action was intended to break our spirit, but we also know New Yorkers are strong, New Yorkers are resilient, and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence," Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

President Donald Trump took a different approach.

Followed by calls for immigration reform — where he took a swipe at Democrats too:

Senator Schumer was swift to reply — and denounce the President's response:

"Look, the President ought to stop tweeting and start leading. The American people long for leadership — not divisiveness not finger-pointing, not name calling, This is a tragedy. It's less than a day then after it occurred and he can't refrain from his nasty divisive habits. He ought to lead."

And then before the day was out:

Trick or treat?

Here's how the Canadian PM rocked Halloween.

But back to the other massive development of the week — the Russia investigation.

Here's this week's developments brutally depicted by the NY Daily News:

Bob Mueller, the special counsel, revealed that both Mr Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his deputy, Rick Gates had been indicted, while a third, little known foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, had also pleaded guilty to charges.

Mr Manafort is a well-known Republican consultant in Washington DC — who has worked on the campaigns of Republican presidential hopefuls from Ford to Reagan to Trump.

The charges stem from as early as 2006 — and span more than a decade. Mr Mueller says more charges could be laid, but for now Mr Manafort and Mr Gates are facing a raft of offenses including conspiracy against the US.

It may also be just the beginning, as pieces of this complex Russia puzzle begin to fall into place.

It's possible that Mueller could use Mr Manafort, Mr Gates and Mr Papadopoulos to glean further information about the campaign and the activities of its staff, so that's a space well worth watching.

We've been stuck in a kind of reality TV show for the last couple of years here in DC, but this is straight out of a spy movie.

No, really.

Mr Manafort's email password was "bond007".

I kid you not.

Some of the highlights that came out of the court documents regarding bail terms included Mr Manafort possessing three US passports — and a phone and email account registered under a fake name.

However, in an alternate universe, a very different story was playing out:

The New York Times has analysed how the cable networks covered the indictment news.

"Fox devoted much of its morning programming to other topics: the hamburger emoji, Halloween costumes and dubious actions by Democrats," it reads.

The extensive coverage of Hillary Clinton and Democrats in the days leading up to the indictments now makes a little more sense. Remember, lock her up?

Here's Sean Hannity actually calling Mrs Clinton the president:


The White House is playing down the investigation, thus far.

However, the President was not impressed:

The President is right — in part — a lot of the alleged offending did occur back in the day, however, it's also alleged that it didn't stop.

In further fallout from Monday's news — Sam Clovis — the President's pick to be the Chief Scientist at the Department of Agriculture — has withdrawn after his name was tied to the Russia investigation.

"The political climate inside Washington has made it impossible for me to receive balanced and fair consideration for this position," he wrote.

(He has no science degree or experience by the way.)

Still on Russia, former foreign policy adviser, Carter Page, continues to give on-camera interviews. I don't think this is the last we'll see of Mr Page:

Journalists are also salivating over the four sealed cases listed between Mr Papadopoulos' and Mr Manafort on the court's list.

Watch this space.

Mr Papadopoulos was not a familiar name until Monday, when it was revealed that he had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during the course of the Russia probe.

He now admits holding a series of meetings with Russians in an effort to set up links with the Trump campaign, and even proposed a meeting between Mr Trump and Vladimir Putin.

This will come under scrutiny as the special counsel assesses whether there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia to swing the election.

Lots of spaces to watch people. Keep your eyes peeled.

Donald Trump was right about one thing

The Democratic primary was rigged to favour Hillary, at least that's according to former DNC Chair Donna Brazile, who took over shortly before the Democratic National Convention in July 2016.

In an excerpt from her new book, released in Politico, Ms Brazile alleges that an agreement was reached between Clinton's presidential campaign and the DNC to keep the party financial.

Ms Brazile claims the primary was rigged in Clinton's favour and details her call to Bernie to tell him as much:

"When I hung up the call to Bernie, I started to cry, not out of guilt, but out of anger," she said.

In related news, the party fired its top fundraiser after a slow fundraising effort since the election.

Another aside — Tony Podesta, brother of John (Hillary's former campaign chair) — has stepped down from the Podesta Group as news emerged that he had Ukraine related business ties to Mr Manafort.

Everything is not OK in Democrat land.

There was a bad day for tech on Capitol Hill

On Capitol Hill this week, reps from some of the world's biggest tech companies: Google, Facebook and Twitter endured a gruelling couple of days of questioning from senators who are trying to figure out the extent of Russian influence in the digital space before the 2016 election.

Senator Dianne Weinstein got stuck in:

It's going to be a delicate dance between Congress and the companies, who are ultimately for-profit businesses trying to drive traffic to their sites:

In the process, Congress released a trove of information to the public to show how the information spread.

Whether it's fake Facebook accounts or fake Twitter handles — the sheer volume of disinformation is confronting.

How much of an influence it had is, what we don't yet know.

By the way, here's the list of fake Twitter handles if you want to check if any ever followed you!

For the most part, a lot of the content was downright weird.

Remember Republican House speaker Paul Ryan?

He's led a complex public life over the last couple of years trying for the most part to stay above the fray during the various controversies affecting the Trump campaign and administration.

The Huffington Post released this hilarious mash-up of all the times the speaker just didn't know about something:

In this week's update of "Is this Republican running or running?" we can add Texan Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, to the list of those not contesting the 2018 midterms, according to Politico.

In other things you may have missed this week:

What I'm reading:

  1. This incredibly candid profile of John Boehner, the former House Speaker, in Politico by Tim Alberta.
  2. Another one from Politico — Nancy Pelosi is trying to play down talk about impeachment
  3. What's behind Tulsi Gabbard's unconventional politics? From The New Yorker
  4. After this week's events, Preventing the Next Attack. In Foreign Affairs
  5. And on the world of AI; Alexa, Can you prevent suicide? Wall Street Journal

Let's end things this week with some Halloween shout-outs:

President Trump meets T-Rex:

Justin Trudeau came to work dressed as Clark Kent:

Trump talking to the media's kids:


As for best costume.

Simple is best.

I'll pay that.

Oh, and congratulations to the Houston Astros who thrilled their hurricane-battered city by winning the World Series #HoustonStrong

Topics: donald-trump, world-politics, government-and-politics, united-states

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