Tom Albanese was already under fire.
The boss of Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto had suffered dramatic setbacks with his first big acquisition, an aluminium company, Alcan, he had bought for a cool $38 billion.

Now the New Jersey native's second large-scale acquisition, a coal business in Mozambique, was struggling.
Albanese had bought the mine from Queensland-based Riversdale Mining in 2011 for $3.7 billion, on the basis it fit the strategy of Albanese and his chief financial officer Guy Elliott of finding undervalued assets they could turn around.
But it didn't take long for the deal to go wrong. In 2012, Rio took a $3 billion writedown on the value of the coal mining company and, by early 2013, Albanese, who earned £16 million in his last four years at the company, was gone. Elliott wasn't far behind.
Now the US Securities and Exchange Commission has lifted the lid on what was really going on inside the miner, accusing Albanese, Elliott and Rio of fraud in concealing the true state of the struggling Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique business from investors in a scathing indictment lodged in US courts.
"They tried to save their own careers at the expense of investors by hiding the truth," the SEC alleged, adding it wanted Rio, Albanese and Elliott "to disgorge all ill-gotten gains as a result of their unlawful conduct, plus prejudgment interest".
Rio punted it could profitably mine, transport, and sell more than 40 million tons of coal a year by barging most of the coal down the Zambezi River to a port on the Indian Ocean.

But soon after the acquisition, the business began to suffer a series of setbacks.
By November 2011, Rio determined its assumptions about moving coal were unrealistic. A month later, the Mozambique government rejected Rio's proposal to barge coal down the Zambezi River.
"By the end of 2011, Rio Tinto knew that it could transport and sell only about 5 per cent of the amount of coal it had originally assumed. Rio Tinto also learnt that there was significantly less and lower quality coal than it had assumed."
The SEC alleged that, over the course of 2012, Albanese and Elliott "concealed the nature and extent of these adverse developments from Rio Tinto's board of directors, audit committee, independent auditors, and the market".
Had they been disclosed, the revelations would have triggered a review of the valuation of the asset, required when an asset is worth less than the amount reflected in the company's public financial statements.
Trouble in Mozambique was the last thing Albanese and Elliott needed. They already had a $38 billion headache from their heavily listing Alcan investment. Two years after buying Alcan, Albanese had taken two writedowns on his signature deal totalling $8 billion.
Another setback could be fatal to the pair's leadership.
"Defendants knew that impairing RTCM or publicly disclosing its rapidly declining value would call into question Albanese's and Elliott's ability to pursue the core of Rio Tinto's business model," the SEC alleged.
"Rio Tinto would have had two failed transactions with multi-billion dollar impairments and no successful large-scale acquisitions under Albanese's and Elliott's leadership."
Having bought the assets in 2011 for $US3.7 billion, by May 2012, the SEC alleges, Albanese knew the best-case scenario on the asset was a value of negative $680 million.
Rio continued to carry the Mozambique mine on its books for more than $3 billion.
The deception was widespread, the SEC alleged, claiming the pair misled the company's audit committee, the board and independent auditors about the value of the asset.
In November 2012, Albanese was asked at a results presentation by analyst Craig Campbell of Northcape Capital about the need to address the carrying value of Mozambique.
Albanese asked Elliott to answer the question. Elliott said, while Rio constantly reviewed asset values, there was "goodwill in the balance sheet" relating to the Mozambique mine and there had been no "triggering event" to cause a writedown.
The SEC had a different view. "Their misconduct paid off," it alleged. Rio Tinto raised a total of $5.5 billion in US debt offerings that incorporated materially misleading statements and omissions concerning RTCM's valuation, it said.
Of that amount, Rio Tinto raised about $3 billion in an offering that was launched soon after Albanese and Elliott learnt of RTCM's negative $680 million valuation, it alleged.
"Each of the debt offerings took place only days after Rio Tinto released misleading financial information to the market."
The whistleblower
By Christmas, a Rio employee discovered the true nature and effect of what was happening to the Mozambique asset.
"The employee bypassed Albanese and Elliott and went directly to the chairman of the board in order to report the true nature and effect of problems with transportation infrastructure and coal quantity and quality," the SEC alleged.
The consequences were dramatic, triggering an internal review and impairment process for the mine that ultimately revealed the long-standing problems with its valuation.
"Within weeks, Rio Tinto's chairman asked the board to dismiss Albanese as the company's CEO," the SEC said. By mid-January, Rio Tinto announced it was impairing RTCM's carrying value by more than $3 billion and, at the same time, Rio Tinto informed the market that Albanese had stepped down as CEO "by mutual agreement with the Rio Tinto Board". Elliott stepped down as the company's chief financial officer in April 2013.
The impairment wrote off more than 80 per cent of the Mozambique's value less than two years after it was bought.
In the media release announcing the impairment and Albanese's departure, Rio Tinto's board acknowledged "that a write-down of this scale in relation to the relatively recent Mozambique acquisition is unacceptable".
A year later, after a second write-down, Rio Tinto sold the mine for just $50 million, less than 2 per cent of the original $3.7 billion acquisition price.
As the SEC noted, in the words of one of Rio Tinto's largest investors, the entire episode was evidence of a "significant mistake by [Albanese and Elliott]" and that Rio Tinto management had been "reckless and profligate" with shareholder capital.
Albanese received no termination payment, no short-term performance bonus for 2012 and 2013, and no long-term bonus for 2013.
Rio has denied the allegations, saying it will vigorously defend itself.
Albanese said: "There is no truth in any of these charges. I echo Rio Tinto's confidence that these will be proved baseless in court."
A spokesperson for Elliott said: "Guy also fully refutes these charges and will be vigorously contesting them."