The latest Nobel laureate for economics would love this: the tradie skills we wish we had aren't the ones we'd most like to use.
Go figure.

Richard Thaler's path to the Nobel Prize began by noticing people did not behave rationally in their choices, contrary to conventional economic dogma. And so it seems to be in a survey about tradie envy.
The survey (yes, yet another survey by a mob wanting to have its name noticed) asked 1700 users of the job site which tradie skills they most wished they had.
Allegedly, the secret life of those of us a shifter short of a tool box is dominated by dreams of rewiring houses (37 per cent said electrical), digging holes (landscaping 24 per cent), unblocking drains (20 per cent plumbing) and changing the colour of walls (painting 11 per cent). No, secret desires aren't what they used to be.
Perhaps betraying my own shortcomings at the intersection of saw, wood and nail, I was surprised carpentry didn't get much of a look in. Even tiling scored higher at 8 per cent.
More surprising (pay attention, Professor Thaler)Â given the above list of desired skills is the list of jobs respondents most wished they could do themselves:
Re-tiling your bathroom 24 per cent (if you've ever attempted re-tiling anything, you wouldn't want to); installing cabinetry 21 per cent (you bought an Ikea pack didn't you? Silly sausage); building a deck 19 per cent (the suburban substitute for a warrior's requirement to kill a lion) and unclogging a blocked drain 10 per cent (send in the apprentice); and fixing a blown fuse box (they're called "sparkies" for a reason) also close to 10 per cent.
What a behavioural economist might notice is that while carpenters' skills didn't make the top five most-desired, 40 per cent of the most-wished-I-could-do-it jobs are the realm of chippies. Your plumber's mate and fuse wire aren't much use for cabinets and drains.
I can suggest a possible reason for the irrational mismatch of desired skills and desired jobs: respondents weren't thinking of the jobs they wanted done, but of which tradies seem to cost the most when they're required.
Murphy's Law says fuse boxes only blow and toilets flood on Sunday nights when the emergency call-out fee only would pay for the TAFE course.
The third section of the survey provided a commentary on the sad demise of DIY skills in the modern home.
When asked why they hated DIY, 40 per cent chose "doesn't turn out how you picture it", 36 per cent said "time consuming", 19 per cent complained it was physically exhausting and four per cent answered that they don't like getting dirty.
Apparently "all of the above" wasn't an option.
This leaves a vision of the would-be tradie hirer having been scarred by the experience of finding him or herself collapsed on a Sunday night in the wreck of an uneven and somewhat unsteady partially-built deck, covered in sawdust, blood and tears, with 48 hours of their life gone and precious little to show for it.
It might also be why they wouldn't want to be a chippie.