
The United Nations says Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya Muslims is ethnic cleansing. Among the most serious allegations is the alleged laying of landmines on refugees' routes to Bangladesh.
While the military denies the charge, in one Bangladesh hospital lie numerous Rohingyas suffering blast injuries and gunshot wounds, which they say were inflicted as they fled.
Rohingya refugee Yousef Nabi is a young man in agony.
As orderlies lift him from a gurney to a mat on the floor of Chittagong Medical College, his arms probe the air, feeling for what he can no longer see.
He's a father of three in his 20s, now blind, and missing part of one hand.
Bandages cover the stumps of his legs.
"How did it happen?" his sobbing wife Razia is asked.
"Bombs were planted at the border," she says.
Mr Nabi tells the ABC he trod on a mine.
"I was not aware that the military had planted bombs along the way," he says.
"My younger brother was killed."
There are others like him too, skin scarred and burnt, bandages where limbs once were.

Nurse Azad Hussein Sharif, treating some of the wounded, says the causes are clear.
"Mine injury," said the 25-year nursing veteran. "Bullet injury, and burn injury."
The wards are full. Outside them spread over multiple floors, lie a catalogue of these horrors.
The smell of injury is potent.
Another Rohingya man, Saddam Hussein, gazes helplessly at a gaping wound in the front of his thigh.
It's where a bullet exited, and it appears infected.

He says he was shot from behind by Myanmar soldiers as he fled his village in Maungdaw.
"They started shooting us," he says.
"When we were running away."
While other reports have documented women and children among the casualties, here the ABC sees only men.
It's impossible to know if these survivors were involved in fighting or not, but with no ongoing armed conflict, former advisor to the international criminal court Tim McCormack said it was unlikely any atrocities would be tried as war crimes per se.
"I suspect it's more likely we're talking about crimes against humanity and possibly genocide," he said.
Myanmar's military denied laying landmines in the refugees' path.
"There's no landmine planted by the military in the area," Rakhine Security Minister Colonel Phone Tint told reporters who visited Rakhine state on a supervised tour early last month.
"The terrorists planted the landmines. The military will never do that."
Mr McCormack says although prosecution seems politically impossible now, as much evidence as possible should be preserved.
He pointed to Cambodia's decision to allow UN-sponsored trials of Khmer Rouge figures 30 years after their rule.
"It should be collected in a form that could one day be utilised by a future international criminal court or tribunal," he says.
Another wounded Rohingya refugee, Iman Sharif, holds an x-ray of his bullet-shattered thigh bone up to the light, and the evidence seems telling.
But proving exactly who was responsible won't be easy.
'Who did this?' the ABC asks.
He shrugs, not knowing.
"Buddhists … and the military."

Topics: world-politics, refugees, islam, buddhism, unrest-conflict-and-war, bangladesh, burma
First posted