Washington: US President Donald Trump says the latest round of UN sanctions on North Korea are only a very small step.
North Korea on Tuesday condemned the UNÂ Security Council's decision to impose tougher sanctions and doubled down on its warning that the United States would "suffer the greatest pain" it has ever experienced for leading the effort to ratchet up economic pressures on the reclusive nation.
Kim Jong-un holds bizarre nuclear party
The North Korean leader hosts a massive party to celebrate the scientists who conducted the country's largest nuclear test.
North Korea's ambassador, Han Tae Song, told the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament in Geneva the US was "fired up for political, economic, and military confrontation".
"My delegation condemns in the strongest terms and categorically rejects the latest illegal and unlawful UN Security Council resolution," he said.
Han said North Korea is "ready to use a form of ultimate means" but did not elaborate.
On Monday the UN Security Council unanimously voted to boost sanctions on North Korea, with its profitable textile exports now banned and fuel supplies capped, prompting a traditionally defiant threat of retaliation against the United States.
Monday's decision, triggered by the North's sixth and largest nuclear test this month, was the ninth such resolution unanimously adopted by the 15-member Security Council since 2006 over North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear programmes.
A tougher initial US draft was weakened to win the support of China, Pyongyang's main ally and trading partner, and Russia, both of which hold veto power in the council.
On Tuesday Trump told reporters at the start of a meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak that he was pleased Malaysia no longer did business with North Korea, before adding that he had just discussed the UN vote with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
"We think it's just another very small step, not a big deal. ... I don't know if it has any impact, but certainly it was nice to get 15-to-nothing vote.
"But those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen," he said without elaborating.
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told a conference earlier on Tuesday that if China did not follow through on the new sanctions, "we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system."
Washington so far has mostly held off on new sanctions against Chinese banks and other companies doing business with North Korea.
The latest resolution also calls on countries to inspect vessels on the high seas, with the consent of the flag state, if they have reasonable grounds to believe the ships are carrying prohibited cargo to North Korea.
It also bans joint ventures with North Korean entities, except for non-profit public utility infrastructure projects.
Trump is likely to make a stop in China, North Korea's top ally and trading partner, in November during his first official visit to Asia, a US official said on Tuesday.