Point Zoom on the LG V30 can target a part of the screen and move at variable speeds.
Sarah Tew/CNETI'm not sure what LG meant to make me remember about the new V30, but I keep thinking about that slow zoom.
A new targeted cinematic zoom mode in the V30's camera settings enables the sort of gentle zoom that immediately brings to mind every "Curb Your Enthusiasm" meme in the world.
I shot some footage of CNET's Jessica Dolcourt using Point Zoom on the LG V30 during a hands-on demo in New York. It looks nice. Then we added "Frolic" by Luciano Michelini.
Even better.
Before the music, I felt weird, standing across the room and slowly zooming in on Jessica in cinematic black and white. I felt a bit like a stalker. That's because I hadn't added my "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music yet.
I want this slow zoom in everything now. It's fun. And a small request: please add "Frolic Mode" to the V30's in-phone editing tools. LG, HBO, figure out a way to make this work.
Read our full impressions of the LG V30 here.