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Posted: 2017-08-28 00:00:49

In my last year of high school, as part of the assessment for our health class, I gave a presentation dressed in a clear plastic hooded raincoat, expounding upon the importance of having safe sex. For the teenage me, making a public appearance dressed as Mr Condom was a significant act of bravado, given that I attended a Catholic school, where we were taught that any form of sexual activity that took place outside heterosexual marriage was sinful. That sinfulness included the use of condoms, the pill, and any other "unnatural" form of contraception.  

Much to my surprise, my health teacher, a conservative, purse-lipped young woman, did not object to my performance. "I can't give you a mark for that", she told me later, smirking. "But it was very informative."

The disconnect between what my teachers believed, and what they were required to teach, was often quite stark. In year 11, I asked my history teacher what she thought about sex before marriage. I expected to be slapped down with a lecture about the importance of abstinence, but instead she suggested that I really ought to visit the library a few times before I considered buying a book. 

My teacher quickly remembered herself, insisting that I must never repeat what she had just said. But still, such clandestine comments were crucial counter-narratives to the official message, and a release valve for any shame, or fear, that I might otherwise have felt about my first sexual experiences.

As a teenager, when I stopped believing in God, I discovered that as long as I was discreet about my newfound disbelief, it didn't cause any real problems with my family, or my broader Catholic community. By contrast, my rejection of the extreme Catholic sexual proscriptions I'd been raised with was a far greater source of tension. It seemed that for many Catholics, a belief in God was nowhere near as important as what you did with your genitals. 

Things were far worse for my brother. For of all the sexual sins that might lead a good Catholic to eternal damnation, physical intimacy with someone of the same sex was the worst. And so, some time after my brother came out as gay, he had to face the insult of some Catholic relatives suggesting that he visit a priest they knew, who was in the business of "curing" people like him.

That was more than 20 years ago. Today, the church uses the language of compassion and tolerance when it comes to homosexuality. Yet Catholic doctrine has not changed. According to contemporary Catholic teaching, all homosexual acts are considered not just sinful but in the church's own words, "intrinsically disordered". 

Of course, a large number of Catholics ignore these proscriptions. Yet the Catholic schools where so many of them send their children are still unable to teach that same-sex relationships are normal and healthy. 

As if to prove how little has really changed, Archbishop Denis Hart recently threatened to sack Catholic employees, including teachers, who marry their same-sex partners, if marriage equality is eventually achieved in Australia.

A friend of mine who teaches in a Catholic school is forced to hide her sexuality, always referring to her girlfriend as her  "housemate". Everyone at the school knows they're a couple, and my friend says that the staff are fine with this, even the principal. Yet she was warned that it was important to keep up the pretence, lest the diocese gets wind of her true situation and she loses her job. 

My teacher friend is an adult, and is entirely comfortable with her sexuality, even if Archbishop Hart is not. But for the many students who attend Catholic schools, secrecy and silence is not only cruel, it's dangerous. LGBTI students are already at greater risk of self-harm and suicide, and this danger must be greatly exacerbated by such a climate of repression.

There are many compelling reasons for Australia to adopt marriage equality, including the fact that doing so is simply right and just. But when I think back to those teachers of mine, and their small acts of defiance in signalling their true beliefs, I see that there is a far more urgent reason for the law to be changed. 

Because the many thousands of children attending Catholic schools in this country are still receiving a powerful official message of sexual shame, fear and intolerance. Marriage equality would provide a clear alternative message, indicating that the wider Australian community accepts them, whatever their sexuality might be. That it's not they, but the teachings of the Catholic Church, that are "intrinsically disordered".


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