How unfair is this?
There we were, preparing what promised to be a series of jolly little riffs about The Mooch and The Douche….and The Mooch has already mooched off.
Trump removes Scaramucci
US President Donald Trump's communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, is out after just ten days on the job, the White House said on Monday.
You have to be quick these days. Still, we shouldn't be too surprised, if it is at all possible to be surprised any more.Â
The President, which is the actual title of Donald J. Trump, a fact that will be noted with increasing levels of incredulity by historians of the future, got his start in the public mind, you may recall, on the fifth-rate television show The Apprentice.Â
He only had one line, repeated over and over. "You're fired."
Having practised it to death, he hasn't been able to get the line out of his head. Call it method acting. Get a job in the White House and ka-boom. "You're fired."
Anthony "The Mooch"Â Scaramucci got fired twice in the space of a week, it turns out.
His wife filed divorce papers on him a few days ago from her birthing ward.

This, reportedly, was partly because he'd taken a job with Trump.Â
It might also have had something to do with Scaramucci's decision to accompany Trump to a Boy Scout jamboree, rather than support his wife during the birth of his son.Â

The Scout Jamboree was a riot, of course. That's where Trump, living up to his reputation as The Douche, talked about becoming rich enough to buy a ship that he kept in international waters so he and his pals could have, you know boys, nudge nudge, some serious, wink wink, fun.Â
Will the soon-to-be single Mooch, who apparently couldn't do the fandango after all, get an invitation out to the ship now he's been fired? You wouldn't bet on him getting within grabbing distance, really.
As Trump's firing and running line stretches ever further round the White House block - Reince, Sean, The Mooch in the last day or two alone - you'd have to feel for the new chief of staff.
General John Kelly is late of the Marine Corps and thus, you'd imagine, accustomed to giving orders and having them obeyed.Â
Donald J. Trump, apart from being (no, really, this is true) the President, is also Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces, despite dodging military service because he had spurs on his feet. Not the manly Texas cowboy sort of spurs, but the ones you can't see, which is always handy when you're dodging military service.
Anyway, he just loves calling the brass "my Generals". Says it all the time. It's his way of impressing on all around him that HE'S the guy who gives the orders.
General Kelly, being a former Marine, would undoubtedly recite every morning the Marine motto, which is "semper fidelis". It means "always faithful", and is so powerful there has never been a mutiny by a Marine since the motto was adopted in 1883.
General Kelly might endure Trump calling him "my General" for, oh, a couple of days more than a week. "Oo-rah!"