London: World temperatures are likely to rise by more than two degrees Celsius this century, surpassing a "tipping point" that a global climate deal aims to avert, scientists said on Monday.
A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change shows a 90 per cent chance that temperatures will increase this century by 2 to 4.9 degrees Celsius.
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Researchers at the University of Washington found only a five per cent chance that warming could be at or below two degrees Celsius – one of the targets set by the 2015 Paris climate deal on limiting emissions of greenhouse gases that warm the planet.
Missing that target would have dramatic consequences on people's livelihoods – such as prolonged periods of drought and rising sea levels – said Adrian Raftery, the lead author of the study and a professor at the University of Washington.
The study uses statistical projections based on total world population, GDP per capita and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, known as carbon intensity.
"Our analysis shows that the goal of two degrees is very much a best-case scenario," said Raftery. "It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years."
According to the UNÂ Environment Programme, world greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from burning fossil fuels, are now about 54 billion tonnes a year and should be cut to 42 billion by 2030 to get on track to stay below 2 Celsius.
Ramping up efforts to improve carbon efficiency are key to limit future warming, said Raftery.

"Countries need to change the economic incentives for producing carbon – for example by introducing a carbon tax – and encourage innovation that would improve energy efficiency," he said.
"We should be learning more from countries that are particularly carbon-efficient, like France, which has a very low-carbon transport infrastructure."
A second new study, also released on Monday, takes a different approach, analysing how much global warming the world has already committed to, since the warming due to some emissions has not yet arrived.
Nonetheless, with the planet at a so-called energy imbalance, that warming is inevitably coming, and the study – conducted by Thorsten Mauritsen of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany and Robert Pincus of the University of Colorado, Boulder – finds that it probably pushes us several slivers of a degree beyond where we are now.
The upshot is that we may already have firmly committed to 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming even if emissions were to stop immediately and entirely (which is not going to happen). One scenario presented in the study finds a 13 per cent chance that 1.5 degrees is already baked in; another finds a 32 per cent chance. And again, the margin for avoiding two degrees Celsius narrows accordingly.
Thomson Reuters Foundation, Washington Post