Washington: USÂ President Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Justice Department's criminal division, Brian Benczkowski, said on Tuesday that he helped Russia's Alfa Bank investigate whether its computer servers contacted the Trump Organisation.
Mr Benczkowski had told the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that he represented Alfa Bank, which is one of Russia's largest financial institutions and whose owners have ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
On Tuesday, as Mr Benczkowski came before the panel for his confirmation hearing, he acknowledged that his work for Alfa Bank directly touched on suspicions related to the bank in connection with the Trump-Russia affair.
Mr Benczkowski said he had agreed to help his law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, represent Alfa Bank amid the intense scrutiny of the Trump-Russia investigation, knowing that he was likely to be nominated for a job in the Trump administration, a disclosure that prompted incredulity from several Democrats.
That "seems to me an odd, inexplicable decision by you in light of all the suspicions and all the investigations underway," said Democratic Senator Richard Durbin.
Mr Benczkowski said that he accepted a law firm partner's request in March to help represent Alfa Bank in part because he understood that suspicions were "inaccurate" about whether its computer servers were connected to a server linked to the Trump Organisation. Still, under questioning from Democratic Senator Al Franken, he also said that in hindsight he should have declined.
"I wouldn't have undertaken the representation had I known at the time I was going to be the nominee to head the criminal division," he said.
Mr Benczkowski has scant prosecutorial experience, but he was a top aide to Attorney General Jeff Sessions when Mr Sessions was a senator and he led the Justice Department transition team for the Trump administration. Before returning to Kirkland & Ellis in January, he had expressed interest in being appointed as a U.S. attorney, he acknowledged.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation scrutinised Alfa Bank last year after computer specialists detected an odd stream of data between a server linked to the Trump Organisation and a bank server. But FBI officials have said they concluded the data stream was not evidence of clandestine communications, and other experts argued that the data appeared to be related to marketing emails promoting Trump hotels.
Mr Benczkowski said the bank hired Kirkland & Ellis after it detected additional odd data transmissions in February and March, and that he oversaw a US computer security company's work analysing that traffic. It also concluded that the recent data was not evidence of substantive contact between the bank and the Trump Organisation.
Asked why he did not also have the firm look at data reaching back to last autumn, Mr Benczkowski disclosed that Alfa Bank had not retained its server traffic data from September to January because, he said, it was too voluminous.
"It seems like there is a gap there that is unexplored," Senator Franken said.
Mr Benczkowski said he reviewed portions of the Steele dossier, an unverified set of allegations about Trump and Russia compiled by a private investigator and published by BuzzFeed in January, to offer legal advice to the bank ahead of a defamation lawsuit against the new organisation.
He also expressed support for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, into the Trump-Russia affair. But he declined to promise to recuse himself from everything involving it, saying only that he would study the details and then decide.
New York Times