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Posted: 2017-07-17 05:56:04

Three days after Choice slammed the private health insurance industry, a month before he's likely to report another fall in customer numbers and a year after promising to tackle "unsustainable" healthcare costs while enjoying a multimillion-dollar salary, Medibank's chief executive appears to be playing the PR game of blame-someone-else-for-your-challenges.

And never mind that Medibank, operating in capitalism's equivalent of a sheltered workshop, with the taxpayer doing most of its work for it, is outrageously profitable despite having the industry's highest number of customer complaints.

Do you need to buy health insurance?

Is it worth taking out private health insurance when the Medicare system is available to everyone?

Forgive me being a little cynical about the piece on the front page of Monday's Australian Financial Review in which the Medibank boss, former banker Craig Drummond, all but cries for his poor customers – or perhaps former customers – suffering from "the nation's soaring cost of living, which he warned was contributing to the mass exodus of young people from private health insurance policies".

If Drummond were so concerned, perhaps he could volunteer to take Medibank's executive salaries back to their much more humble pre-privatisation level, including a mere six figures for the CEO.

And he wouldn't have asked the government to allow him to boost premiums again by a multiple of the consumer price index even while rolling in a return-on-equity (ROE) of nearly 29 per cent. 

Such is the nature of this industry, whereby the government uses both carrots and sticks to lure and beat customers to privately insure, that Medibank can be roughly twice as profitable as our major banks, measured by ROE, while its market share has been sliding for seven years to 27 per cent. 

Drummond took over as CEO a year ago with a promise to "tackle healthcare costs". It hasn't happened. Instead, Medibank rolls along with the other private insurers to get fat premium increases rubber-stamped by the government each year.

Now Drummond reportedly wants the industry to "focus on working with the government to reduce healthcare costs".

"I've sat with customers in the last three months who have said they simply can't afford it [insurance]," Drummond said. "They are making choices about mortgage, food – and we have had people say to us they have cut back on their meat meals."

The problem for Medibank and its competitors is that young people in particular are deciding that private health insurance (PHI) isn't worth it, despite the government's bludgeoning.

As Choice has pointed out, PHI is ridiculously complicated. A cynic might wonder if the insurers like it that way, keeping customers confused and less able to pick the most appropriate cover.

And hovering in the wings is the Greens policy of scrapping the industry's $6.4 billion in taxpayer subsidies, labelling it a waste of money. 

If Drummond were so concerned, perhaps he could volunteer to take Medibank's executive salaries back to their much more humble pre-privatisation level.

Putting that extra cash into the public system and leaving private insurers and their customers to be just that, private, would see market forces do what Drummond would like the government to arrange – lower costs.

Medibank's sudden discovery of the allegedly "soaring" cost of living overlooks a couple of key details.

The overall cost of living actually isn't soaring at all. It's lower than the Reserve Bank and federal government would like it.

The three elements that are seriously out of kilter and where people notice pain when wages aren't rising are energy, health and education. All are the result of government policy.

Scrap the private health insurance rebate and the tax penalty for not having private insurance and watch private medicine costs plummet.

But so would the number of people with private health insurance – and that is what really concerns the insurers.

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