Anyone doubting the scale of the challenges facing the ABC right now need only look at the figures revealed in the Senate last Friday to see how great they are.
In response to questions on notice from the Greens' Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, the ABC coughed up a set of numbers that point clearly to the conclusion that the national broadcaster is stretched to breaking point in some key areas.
The ABC by the numbers
The ABC: who watches it, who works there and what does it make? Fairfax media breaks it down.
The money allocated by the ABC to Australian content other than news and current affairs last year was down almost 9 per cent from 2012-13, from $188.14 million to $171.86 million. The dollar amount declined in each of those four years, meaning that while CPI rises pushed the cost of productions higher, the money available to fund each of them was dropping. Unsurprisingly, that resulted in fewer hours of Australian content.
Last financial year, the ABC produced or commissioned just two-thirds as many hours of fiction (drama and narrative comedy) as it did four years earlier. All told, it produced just 70 hours of the stuff, and spent 18 per cent less ($45.2 million versus $55.1 million) doing so.
Not all of that content went to air within the financial year either, so in fact just 60 hours of new Australian fiction were broadcast on the ABC last year, down 12 per cent on 2012-13 and a whopping 52 per cent on 2013-14, when the final year of a $136 million funding boost delivered by the Rudd government bore its greatest fruit, with 126 hours going to air.
Children's content was down too, 13 per cent in terms of hours and almost 16 per cent in spend.
Only documentary and factual content fared better, with a 7.2 per cent lift in spend (to $11.6 million). But that came at the cost of hours broadcast: last financial year, first-release Australian factual and documentary content totalled just 137 hours, down from 624 hours four years earlier. That's a massive 78 per cent drop (at least some of which is due to the scaling-down of the high-volume, low-cost Big Ideas and its move out of Television to News) .
So, what exactly is going on here?
The simple answer is that the ABC is struggling to make do with less. Since 2014, its budget allocation from the federal government has taken a series of cuts that will total, the broadcaster claims, more than $355 million over five years by the end of next financial year (2018-19).
The ABC claims it is absorbing the impact of those cuts where viewers can't see them. In a submission to Parliament in February 2016, it claimed it "has adhered to its commitment to deliver these funding cuts via support-service efficiencies and other non-audience-facing measures".
In truth, if "audience-facing-measures" is ABC-speak for content and services, the figures released on Friday make it abundantly clear that this is simply not true.
The ABC proudly proclaimed in the Senate last week that its primary TV channel "broadcast 69 per cent Australian content" from 6am to midnight, despite the fact it is not obliged to do so (the commercial free-to-air networks must meet a 55 per cent Australian content quota, a figure that also includes sport, news and current affairs).
However, under the complicated sub-quotas that apply to drama, children's content and documentary, the ABC would have had less to boast about: while it would have been well in the clear on documentary and factual (the commercial networks need broadcast a minimum 20 hours per year) and would have narrowly met its children's content requirement, it would have fallen short on drama.
But, of course, the ABC doesn't face such obligations, and wants it to stay that way. "The ABC … exceeds the Australian content requirements of commercial free-to-air across specific genres, including documentaries and children's content," it said in its response last week. "Accordingly, the ABC does not believe that a local content quota is required for the ABC."
Well, it would say that, wouldn't it?
But the figures do not lie. In trying to spread a diminishing pot of money over an ever-expanding domain – multi-channels, iView, digital radio, 24-hour news, and web publishing, as well its legacy businesses of TV and radio – the ABC is fast reaching a point where something has to give.
And perhaps it already has, in the shape of home-grown drama and narrative comedy.
Surely it would never let that go entirely? You'd think not, but then we've already seen the cutting of the Catalyst unit, sold to us as an exciting new approach to science programming but one that will result in a vast reduction in hours broadcast. We've seen arts content on ABC TV disappear into the ether, too, despite a charter that commits the broadcaster to "encourage and promote the musical, dramatic and other performing arts in Australia".
Unthinkable it might be, but without any special protections, and with declining budgets seemingly the new normal, drama on the ABC could become an endangered species if we don't keep an eye on it.
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