Racing Victoria will throw a spectacular birthday bash for all retired racehorses at Geelong racecourse on horses' birthday, August 1.
Part of Racing Victoria's effort to promote horses' involvement in equine sports once they retire from racing, the free event is the brainchild of chief steward Terry Bailey, whose two daughters have off-the-track retired racehorses.
Bailey contacted renowned vet Glenn Robertson-Smith, who leapt at the concept and immediately went to work mobilising his network of service providers.
In recent times, RVL have received plenty of criticism from all parts of the industry and much of the media, but Robertson-Smith said this was an outstanding initiative that would highlight the options for retired horses.
"The scope and depth of people providing advice has never been in the one place together before. It shows that we are reaching out to horse lovers across the state who might need that little bit of advice and reassurance.
"The animal activists constantly beat their drum that retired racehorses always end up at the knackery. Nothing could be further from the truth; the vast majority of racehorses end up in many equine pursuits once they are retired from racing.
"And this day, initiated and sponsored by RVL, is a clear indication of how seriously RVL take animal welfare not only during the racing career of a horse but they are actively involved once the horses are retired with these off-the-track days," he said.
The day promises to be comprehensive involving farriers, equine dentists, drug companies, saddle makers, nutritional advisers, retraining and riding advice and two veterinary practices.
Saddle maker, Peter Horobin, will display his new range of saddles and explain how to fit a saddle properly. There will also be advice on retraining racehorses once they retire from Lisa Coffey, an international Irish equestrian and director of the newly formed Victorian Racing Academy – which provides courses in conjunction with TAFE for people who want to work in the racing industry.
There will be access to gastroscope evaluations looking for stomach ulcers, feed advice and accredited farriers providing free hoof trimming. Robertson-Smith, will offer veterinary services and advice. An internationally regarded vet, he has treated some of the finest horses in Australia and currently is adviser to Australia's top dressage rider.
The day has been heavily subscribed and people wishing to attend need to register online through Racing Victoria.