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Posted: 2017-06-20 04:32:04

In his 20s, Rod McRae moved from Wellington, New Zealand, to Woolloomooloo, where he lived in a share house with several friends and his Afghan hound called Heathrow. He took the dog for daily walks around Mrs Macquarie's Chair, where it sniffed out dead rats and possums in the undergrowth. McRae brought home their little stinking corpses and stuck them in the fridge.

"Ah! Rod! Their tails are hanging out!" his flatmates cried. He was studying taxidermy by correspondence at the time and so practised his skills on the roadkill. He also began building his own exotic menagerie – buying a stuffed wildebeest from 1908, deer heads, a baby orang-utan. "I was always fascinated by taxidermy," he says. "I put it down to my parents not allowing us to have pets. I think it is always very convenient to blame one's parents."

Taxidermy is driven by a desire to reconnect with nature, he says. "We're so obsessed with clean surfaces and disinfectant, and the idea that everything out there is dirty and everything in here is clean. I think there's a bit of a reaction against that. People want to re-engage with the wilderness."

His exhibition Wunderkammer – The Cabinet of Wonders captures that yearning in several strange ways. A polar bear teeters atop a refrigerator. Boxing kangaroos are cloaked in old black leather handbags and purses, like extras from Mad Max: Fury Road. A zebra stands in a shipping crate scrawled with a hunter's shopping list: jackal ($400); waterbuck ($1200); leopard (price on request).

McRae poses for photographs while lying with a lion in an unmade bed from Fantastic Furniture, with coffee-stained sheets. He is 59 but looks younger in his T-shirt and faux leather jacket. The lion is posed mid-wriggle, with its jaws open and paws up.

"I wanted it to look pretty playful, like a domestic cat," McRae says. "It's about the domestication of the wild, basically."

His exhibition explores our responsibilities to animals and the planet, including the impact of pollution, climate change and hunting. No animal was harmed to make the artwork. McRae sourced unwanted skins from animals that had died by natural causes, hunting, culling or for food. Still, the sight of so many stuffed beasts on show at Everglades Historic House & Gardens, in Leura, is unsettling.

"What I wanted to do is create art that people can't ignore," McRae says. "You look at the animals and you can't feel nothing. You might feel repulsed. You might feel angry. You might feel perplexed. But you will feel something."

It's a chill day in the Blue Mountains. We pause for a pot of tea and cherry pie in the Everglades cafe, near a skulk of foxes making mischief in a shopping trolley. The North American vulpines have their thick winter coats on.

"They're kind of like a flash mob," McRae says. "They're quite pretty, so it makes us think why they're called vermin. The idea is that you feel something for them and that you like them, so hopefully you won't go out and shoot the buggers."

Once upon a time, McRae wrote and illustrated children's books about monsters and polluted rivers and naughty children gobbled up by plants. Since 2008, he's focused instead on using sculpture and installation art to explore the relationship between humans and beasties.

Wunderkammer has been on tour in regional galleries across Australia since 2013. McRae bought the zebra in the exhibition for about $1500 on eBay, from a cash-strapped, newly-divorced hunter in Montana. The polar bear was a chance find from a taxidermist in Melbourne. The young male lion was sourced through a trusted dealer in South Africa.

Heathrow the hound lives on, happily. But the dog long ago left McRae for a larger house in the country. He now has a Persian cat called Pugsley, who has no expression other than angry. I ask him if he might stuff Pugsley when he expires. He says no.

"When you have a relationship with a dog or cat or even a budgie, they have their own little ways of moving and behaving, so if you stuff them they are never quite the same," he says. "When people have their pets done, it is almost never a happy outcome."

Wunderkammer –The Cabinet of Wonders is at Everglades Historic House & Gardens, Leura, until August 27.

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