Brussels: Britain's Brexit minister David Davis and the European Union have slammed the door on any prospect of a "soft" Brexit as formal negotiations on leaving the EU finally got underway in Brussels.
Mr Davis confirmed Britain would be leaving the customs union and the single market, in a move designed to scupper any parliamentary plots to water down the terms of Britain's withdrawal from Europe.
Businesses push for soft Brexit
As Brexit talks begin, pressure from business groups is mounting for a deal that won't damage the economy.
His counterpart, Michel Barnier, the EU's chief Brexit negotiator, also confirmed that Britain would leave the single market and the customs union.
Mr Davis said Britain would seek a free trade agreement and a customs agreement with the EU, but added: "We need to bring back to Britain control of our laws and control of our borders so we will be leaving the single market. Similarly we will be leaving the customs union. That's the only way we can develop our free trade arrangements with the rest of the world and that is a major upside for Britain."
Mr Barnier said: "The United Kingdom is going to leave the European Union, single market and the customs union."
British Chancellor Philip Hammond is the most prominent of several cabinet members who would prefer Britain to stay in the customs union, which would prevent Britain from striking its own trade deals outside the EU.
Mr Barnier and Mr Davis disclosed that they hope to reach a deal on migrants' rights by the end of October, but trade talks will not begin until agreement on migrants, the Brexit "divorce bill" and the Irish border has been reached. Mr Davis denied that the government had abandoned its demand for parallel talks on trade and the terms of withdrawal, saying "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed".
But Mr Barnier said: "I am not in a frame of mind to make concessions. The United Kingdom has decided to leave the European Union, it is not the other way around ... the consequences are substantial."
The pair said that the issue of Northern Ireland's border with the Republic of Ireland had taken up the most time in their first day of talks. There were also disagreements over the "divorce bill", as EU officials said no agreement had been reached on the need for Britain to pay anything.
The talks come amid reports of a plot by Labour, the Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrats to use the debate over Wednesday's Queen's Speech to topple the government.
The opposition parties intend to table an amendment to the Queen's Speech that would demand easier access to the single market and a cross-party Brexit Commission to reach a broad consensus on the terms of Britain's withdrawal.
They hope to tempt so-called "remoaners" on the Tory benches into voting in favour of the amendment, which would strike a potentially fatal blow to Prime Minister Theresa May's authority. The last time a government was defeated over a Queen's Speech was in 1924.
Telegraph, London