Tony Reinmuth used to be Australia's strongest man, and he misses the feeling.
Tony won the accolade in 2016 at the IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships. He remembers walking out on to the platform to squat with 347.5 kilograms loaded on the bar – about the weight of a touring motorcycle.

Powerlifters usually have three spotters, but with so much weight on the bar, an additional two men were summoned for reinforcement. But even five spotters would be unable to catch the barbell should Reinmuth's legs give way.
Reinmuth narrowed his focus. All he could hear was white noise as he tightened his powerlifting belt around his bulging belly and rubbed chalk onto his meaty, calloused hands.
He lowered himself to the bottom of the squat, careful to maintain his balance. Then he slammed his feet into the ground, catapulting his 155-kilogram frame upward, and the more than twice-bodyweight barbell back to the start position.
Reinmuth bellowed in triumph as he completed the squat. When he saw three white lights appear indicating a successful lift, he pumped his fist in the air like John Bender in The Breakfast Club.
Not only had he claimed the Australian record for the heaviest squat, but alongside his 320-kilogram deadlift and 200-kilogram bench press, he had lifted the heaviest total by an Australian: 867.5 kilograms.
A year later, Reinmuth reflected on this achievement. "It was a bit surreal, it didn't really sink in straight away," he said. "It hits me a lot more when my friends introduce me as 'Australia's strongest man.' I'm not the type of person that walks around going, 'Hey, I'm Australia's strongest powerlifter'." Or at least he used to be. Four months later, Tyron Senituli broke Reinmuth's record with an 882.5-kilogram total. "He's gone from being a really good lifter to being an elite level lifter. He's sort of come out of nowhere," Reinmuth said.
Senituli was an aspiring rugby player and only took up powerlifting at the start of last year. "I've been talking to powerlifters, some of them have been doing it for ages to get lifts like mine," Senituli said.
Reinmuth is determined to reclaim the record from Senituli, but the odds are stacked against him. Despite being at the pinnacle of his sport, he has not made a cent from it. He attributes this to lack of personal promotion. His Instagram profile only has 200 followers; he has not uploaded anything to it for nine months. Meanwhile, Senituli receives a hefty discount on supplements from a wholesaler just for tagging them in his Instagram videos. Other sponsors cover his powerlifting fees.
Reinmuth works fulltime in a factory. He attended Lilydale Heights Secondary College, but only completed year eight. "I left there when I was 14 and started roof tiling for about a year," Tony says. "I was a bit heavy to be walking on roofs." He thought about becoming a mechanic before his father landed him a job as an assembler. He has been there for 13 years.
Reinmuth is not working just to support himself. Last year he took custody of his 13-year-old niece. "My brother has a drug problem," he said. Though single, Reinmuth has assembled a modern family for his niece. his two closest friends – who are in a relationship – and their two toddlers have moved into a house in Bayswater with them.
Initially, Reinmuth says the house has four bedrooms. Later, he admits: "I did tell a little bit of a lie before. Our house only has three bedrooms. I've had to turn a shed into a bedroom for myself. It's a bit embarrassing, but I do what I gotta do until we can move out into a bigger house." All the windows of Reinmuth's shed-turned-bedroom are broken courtesy of a water bomb fight between housemates last summer, and he is yet to replace the broken glass. All that protects him from the elements is a fly screen. "It gets pretty cold, but an extra blanket always helps," he said.
Reinmuth goes to the gym only after he has put food on the table. He works an eight-and-a-half hour day in the factory before racing home to cook dinner for his new family. Then he drives to the Melbourne University gym in Parkville, where he trains for three hours.
Unsurprisingly, Reinmuth trains only twice a week. Senituli trains four times a week. But Reinmuth believes in quality over quantity. "If I add more volume in there I might end up doing an injury," he said.
"It should be three," says Reinmuth's coach, Robert Wilks. But he acknowledges that "bigger guys need more recovery." Reinmuth's body gets few breaks as he constantly lifts heavy objects and walks more than 10,000 steps a day in the factory.
"He's not totally warm and fuzzy," Wilks says about Reinmuth. "He's not George Clooney, he's not the most urbane character in the world, but he actually in his own rough and ready way is handling quite a few challenges quite manfully.
"I spotted Tony at a couple of local contests, and he was obviously as strong as a bull but he was absolutely all over the place on technique and attempt selection." Since, Reinmuth has been training with Wilks, he has not suffered an injury. Wilks carefully structures his protege's program. At training, he gradually increases weight and decreasing volume as the next meet approaches. At meets, Wilks makes sure Reinmuth doesn't bite off more than he can chew.
Reinmuth's nutrition is less structured. "If I'm out I'll just buy whatever I feel like," he said. Nonetheless, there is purpose. Reinmuth devours kilos of chicken, beef, pork and even kangaroo – maximising his protein intake to increase his size and strength.
He was always strong anyway. At 12, he stomped around the playground at more than 100kg. He could have easily been mistaken for a bully, roughhousing his classmates until they pleaded for him to release his grip. But he was just trying to play with them. "I didn't know my own strength for a long time," he said.
Reinmuth tried other sports. "I played rugby for two years, I played a lot of basketball when I was in primary school, but as I got bigger, I got a bit slower." he said. He looked for a sport where his size was an advantage. Friends encouraged him to become the goalkeeper in their field hockey team. But it didn't enthuse him.
Eventually, he gave away sport altogether. Then he walked into the gym. "I realised I was stronger than most people around," he said. He had finally found a sport he loved, and once he started training with Wilks, he found a team where he belonged.
Reinmuth last competed at the Sydney Fitness Show in April, where he achieved a personal best with an 870-kilogram total, just 12.5 kilograms short of Senituli's record. This week, he leaves for Belarus for the 2017 World Classic Powerlifting Championships. He believes he can replicate his record-breaking performance from last year. "I'll smash the current record," Reinmuth declared.
"[Tony] has more petrol in the tank," said Wilks. He believes Reinmuth can still significantly shoot for the elusive 1000 kilograms. After all, he is only 28 and has only been training seriously for four years.
Senituli is also competing in Belarus. "Tony may have a chance to beat my record," he said. But Seniituli also expects to beat it. Reinmuth acknowledges this. "I'm still improving, Tyron is still improving, so we might both smash the record," he said. "It depends who does it by more."