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Posted: 2017-06-12 15:40:25

One point is what spared House Rules blood being spilled all over the internet.

Judge Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen may have been waging war on the contestants, but it was he who almost faced the wrath of the reality TV mob as he weighed the fate of Kate and Harry versus Fiona and Nicole on the tip of his well-pointed finger.

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Wonder Woman gets paid, Ariana Grande sings again, Kathy Griffin gets fired, Karl Stefanovic gets angry and Troy bites back on House Rules.

As LLB noted at the start of the judging, it was "an execution" and it was a very close call over which way the flamboyantly-dressed Grim Reaper would sway.

It came down to his final decision about whether or not to score Kate and Harry the five points they so desperately needed in order for Fiona and Nicole to be dropped from the competition.

"It's a very difficult call because at the bottom of this, a lack of thought from both of you. You didn't think through what this challenge actually meant," LLB said pointedly at Kate and Harry, as well as Fiona and Nicole. 

"Both of you were so excited to be home that you forgot you were up against a competition.

"... At the end of the day my decision is based on whether that space (Kate and Harry's lounge) was better. I'm going to give you a five."

You could almost hear the sighs of relief from the remaining teams, and viewers for that matter.

It seemed evident to everyone else that when it came to interior design, Kate and Harry were paint streaks ahead of Fiona and Nicole. 

But past missteps on House Rules were wiped clean – literally – when the competition announced that the leaderboard was reset to zero.

Suddenly Fiona and Nicole stood a chance, which would have made viewers nervous if it wasn't for the fact that most banked on them stuffing up their 24-hour makeover of Troy and Bec's zone in Fiona's Grampians house.

"I think you did the wrong zone for the wrong reasons, and I think that with all your history with Troy and Bec you went out of your way to remove them from your house," LLB lectured the Victorian women on conducting hasty exorcisms, to which Fiona agreed ("Oh we did do that").

"Sounds like a good thing to do but actually in the context of this particular challenge, a really rubbish thing to do... Because there was actually a sense of spite to what you were doing," an almost reverent LLB challenged.

But Fiona was not going to take that lying down. "I was actually really appalled that Laurence said that we chose it out of spite because that never ever, ever came into it."

"It was ugly, we didn't like it," Nicole concluded to viewers.

An "awful" paint job done in the dark, because that's when the women do most of their work, some rearranged furniture, and a hanging statement piece that made LLB feel like hanging himself, looked set to seal Fiona and Nicole's fate.

"If that is their talent, it should be burned," a scathing LLB decreed of the Salem witches. "It looks like a bridal chapel in Vegas."

And upon seeing Fiona's son's room: "Is this 24 hours fix up or two hour fix up?"

But by splashing around a perfect shade of blood red in the laundry, Fiona and Nicole seemed to have summoned an 11th-hour cavalry from the master of doom, himself.

Instead his sights turned to Kate and Harry, in whom he was clearly most disappointed.

"This is not the 'knocking down wall show', this is a show about making rooms and you didn't make a room ... Now what you did was absolutely the worst thing you could do at this stage of the competition because you focused on you as homeowners rather than as contestants," he berated his once favourite designers. "If taking that wall down meant you could not have focused on anything else, you should not have done it."

But perhaps Kate and Harry signed a deal with the devil because somehow they scraped through, when it looked entirely unlikely.

Maybe LLB saw better use for Aaron's "coffin" bed, which was initially designed to improve his son's room but could also be used to bury the Victorian women, in style.

"Fiona and Nicole have become the most abolished design team in this competition," LLB earlier noted, and many viewers would champion that sentiment given the women's stature as the most reviled on the show.

"You two have just been gung ho right from the get-go," said Joh Griggs in the understatement of the season. "You have backed yourself at every step of the way."

Still Fiona saw the light in one regard, she tearfully confessed her gratitude at getting a brand new house. "I'm really thankful. I am the luckiest woman in Australia and Nic walks out of this competition with nothing, I walk out of it with a brand new home so probably for me the disappointment is that I wanted to repay Nic."

"Our experience on House Rules has been one hell of a journey," Fiona's ghostly voice concluded, with "hell" being the operative word. "I'm extremely proud of what we've achieved and I can not thank Nic enough for being with me on this journey, it's massive."

And with a quick "See ya" the Salem witch trials end and the home renovation competition begins. Interestingly with Andrew and Jono leading the pack.

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