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Posted: 2017-06-12 14:08:41

San Juan: With schools shuttered, pensions at risk and the island under the authority of an oversight board in New York City, half a million Puerto Ricans voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to become the United States' 51st state, in a flawed election most voters sat out.

With nearly all of the precincts reporting, 97 per cent of the ballots cast were in favour of statehood, a landslide critics said indicated that only statehood supporters had turned out to the polls. Opposition parties who prefer independence or remaining a territory boycotted the special election, which they considered rigged in favour of statehood.

However, on an island where voter participation often hovers around 80 per cent, just 23 per cent of registered voters cast ballots. Voting stations accustomed to long lines were virtually empty.

Puerto Rico's governor, Ricardo Rossello of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party, said he planned to take the victory to Washington and press Congress to admit Puerto Rico to the union.

"From today going forward, the federal government will no longer be able to ignore the voice of the majority of the American citizens in Puerto Rico," he said in a brief televised speech after the voting results were announced.

But his political opponents who do not want statehood argued that heading to Congress with such lopsided results would actually hurt the governor's cause.

"A 97 per cent win is the kind of result you get in a one-party regime," former governor Anibal Acevedo Vila said in an interview. "Washington will laugh in their faces."

Puerto Rico has been a US territory since 1898, when the island was acquired from Spain after the Spanish-American War. Sunday's non-binding referendum was the fifth time during Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States that Puerto Ricans voted on their future. They have generally chosen from statehood, independence and remaining a territory.

But the process is usually marred, with ballot language phrased to favour the party in office. In 1998, "none of the above" was the top winner. In 2012, 61 per cent of counted votes went to statehood - and half a million ballots were left blank.

But this time, the vote came a few weeks after Puerto Rico declared a form of bankruptcy in the face of $US74 billion ($98 billion) in debt and $US49 billion in pension obligations it cannot pay. More than 150 public schools are being closed as a mass exodus of Puerto Ricans head for the mainland and those who remain brace for huge cuts to public services. Decisions are in the hands of a bankruptcy judge.

Voters said that Puerto Rico needed the United States now more than ever.

"If there's an earthquake in Puerto Rico, who is going to send the help? The Americans! This is their land!" said Gladys Martinez Cruz, 73, a retired tax clerk in San Juan's Barrio Obrero neighbourhood. "We need someone who is going to support us, send us money. There's a lot of hunger in Puerto Rico, even with the help we get."

Many Puerto Ricans, like Martinez, live off food stamps, public housing vouchers or other federal programs and worry that a change in political status could affect that aid. A huge publicity campaign warned voters that their citizenship could be at risk.

"I want my children and grandchildren to keep their American citizenship," said Maira Rentas, a cardiac nurse in San Juan. "Little by little, with whatever votes we get, we have to try to become a state."

Hector Ferrer, head of the Popular Democratic Party, which had urged a boycott, emphasised that 8 out of 10 Puerto Rican voters chose to spend the day at church, on the beach or with their families. He argued that the governing party had manipulated the ballot language and even election law to fix the results.

"It was rigged, and not even with trickery could they win," Ferrer said.

The ballot option asked voters who wanted to remain a US territory to say they wished for Puerto Rico to stay "as it is today, subject to the powers of Congress".

"The title of the law that made this plebiscite is 'process to decolonise Puerto Rico,' and one of the alternatives is 'colony' as defined by them," Ferrer said.

Ferrer's party complained about the ballot choices to the Justice Department, which withheld $US2.5 million in funding for Sunday's voting and had urged the Puerto Rican government to hold off until the ballot could be reviewed. Puerto Rico made changes but moved forward without money or approval from the Justice Department.

The election was pushed by the governing New Progressive Party, which has long advocated statehood for Puerto Rico.

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