Airing secret recordings of Pauline Hanson and James Ashby during a Four Corners investigation into One Nation were not a breach of rules because it was newsworthy and in the public interest, the media regulator has found.Â
The Australian Communications and Media Authority received two complaints after the show aired in April from viewers angry the show broadcast an "illegally recorded phone call" and portrayed Ms Hanson and Mr Ashby as deceptive and overbearing.Â
This is a beat up: Hanson
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson reveals who the plane she used to campaign in Queensland was bought for, who paid for it and if she's in any trouble.
One complainant said as both of them clearly did not want to talk to the ABC "it follows they would not want telephone conversations broadcast without their prior approval".Â
The decision comes just days after Ms Hanson launched legal action the the Supreme Court of New South Wales restraining the ABC's 7:30 program from airing recordings of conversations between herself and former One Nation treasurer Ian Nelson.Â
However, the restraining order was not pressed as the ABC does not have any more recordings.Â
In the Four Corners matter the ACMAÂ found section 5.8 of the ABC's Code of Practice does not restrict the public broadcaster from using material obtained and supplied by an independent third party. And even if it did, the public interest would outweigh the rules banning secret recording devices.Â
"That is because there is a clear public interest in broadcasting material alleged to show misconduct by people pursuing or occupying public office or by those working to support people who do," the ACMA concluded in an investigation report published on Friday.Â
"Even if the recording used here were secretly obtained by third parties...their use was justified in the public interest". Â

They were also "highly newsworthy matters at the time of the broadcast" and were presented as evidence of claims made by interviewees.Â
The episode called "Please Explain" alleged James Ashby received an undisclosed donation from supporter Bill McNee to buy a plane to fly Ms Hanson around Australia.Â

A spokeswoman for the ABC said it welcomed the decision.
"The ACMA found that the Four Corners program "Please Explain" examined highly newsworthy matters, demonstrated fair treatment of the subject matter and the people involved...did not convey prejudgement or bias, and did not breach any standards."

However One Nation spokesman, James Ashby, said the party still believes there was a potential breach of the code "whether they (the ACMA) found in our favour or not".Â
One of the complainants also submitted the program was "vile hatred" directed at Senator Hanson and objected to a taxpayer funded expose. The ACMAÂ considered the shows impartiality and found it did not breach standard 4.1 of the ABC's code.Â
"The ABC is entitled to explore controversial issues that are newsworthy and of public interest, as long as the hallmarks of impartiality are met."

While the former One Nation staffers and candidates were clearly identified and able to present their viewpoints, the opinions of Ms Hanson and Mr Ashby were missing because they refused to respond to the ABC's requests for comment over several weeks and on two ocassions when approached by reporter Caro Meldrum-Hanna.Â
"Given their decisions not to participate, it was not unreasonable that the program concentrated on the views of persons participating in the program," the ACMAÂ found.Â
Comments from Senator Malcolm Roberts and supporters of Pauline Hanson provided a range of perspectives, it added.Â
Senator Hanson's office has been contacted for comment. Â