Ten Northern Irish MPs have emerged as the new kingmakers in UK politics, the key to the survival – or downfall – of Theresa May's prime ministership.
May: Conservatives will work with DUP
After the Conservatives failed to win a majority, Prime Minister Theresa May says she can rely on the support of the Democratic Unionist Party. Reuters
Put simply, she cannot govern without them.
Their policies, politics and demands will have an outsize impact on the next parliament – and they will have the power to set the course of Brexit, should they choose to exercise it.
And they almost certainly will.
They may even change the name of Britain's Olympics team – their party manifesto wants 'Team GB' to be renamed 'Team UK'.
All eyes have turned to the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), and many on the mainland are wondering for first time exactly who they are, and what they believe in.
On Friday the DUP website shuddered and blinked under the sudden attention. Automatic failsafes kicked in, the site reacting as if it was under cyber-attack.Â

Meanwhile in her short post-election statement, May referred to her own party by its official, but rarely used name: the Conservative and Unionist Party.
It was no accident – it was a message. After a catastrophic campaign, the Conservatives alone do not command a majority of the House of Commons.Â

If May is to govern, she needs the DUP for a vote of confidence and then for many of the laws she hopes to pass – possibly including vital Brexit bills such as the 'great repeal act' that will import European laws and regulations into British law, and the final vote when the House of Commons is presented with the negotiated divorce settlement with the continent.
May admitted as much after her visit to Buckingham Palace, where she sought and received the Queen's approval to form a new government.
Nobody but May and the Queen know what happened at the palace. There was no-one else in the room.
But it is likely the Queen asked May if she could form a government, and that May said she could (instead of asking for an 'exploratory commission' granting time to make sure, as has been done in the past).
Minutes later, outside 10 Downing Street, May revealed she was expressing optimism rather than knowledge of DUP support.
"Our two parties have enjoyed a strong relationship over many years, and this gives me the confidence to believe that we will be able to work together in the interests of the whole United Kingdom," May said – after, it emerged, she had spoken with DUP leader Arlene Foster.
And a few hours later Foster said the DUP would "enter discussions with the Conservatives to explore how it may be possible to bring stability to our nation at this time of great challenge".
She took no questions from the media.
It had been reported widely that the two parties had reached a deal. But, it is clear, the deal is yet to be struck.
The DUP have already been a strong ally for the Conservatives, supporting them in parliamentary debates.
Last October Foster and her fellow MPs held a champagne reception at the Conservative Party conference. Foster gave a talk titled, presciently "Making Brexit Work, Making This Parliament Work, Making The Majority Work."
Foster, who narrowly avoided being killed by an IRA bomb as a teenager in 1988, has described Jeremy Corbyn as "beyond the pale". Corbyn has historical ties to Sinn Fein and the IRA. During the campaign he insisted on denouncing both IRA and unionist violence rather than single out the republicans.
Yet it is not clear that Foster wants May to continue as prime minister, either. On Friday she told the BBC it would be "difficult for (May) to survive given that she was presumed to come back with maybe a hundred majority".
The DUP election manifesto, on its very first page, discounts what has actually happened, saying "on this occasion our votes may not be required to help form a government at Westminster".
It goes on to detail its aims.
Among other things, it wants to:
- abolish the licence fee that funds the BBC;
- increase the national living wage;
- establish 'freeports' in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in the UK exempt from customs duties;
- cut corporation tax;
- review the 20-year time limit on prosecuting terrorism offences;
- ensure a "frictionless" border with the Irish Republic after Brexit;
- rename the Olympics team from 'Team GB' to 'Team UK'.Â
They also hinted that they want to host the Commonwealth Games.
The DUP is against abortion, which is illegal in Northern Ireland in almost all circumstances. They also oppose gay marriage. Several of its members have expressed doubts about manmade climate change.
The party was founded in 1971 by Ian Paisley and Desmond Boal. Paisley later went on to play a key role in the Northern Ireland power sharing agreement. The party has historical ties to paramilitary loyalist groups, including Ulster Defence Association (UDA) and the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF).
On Friday both the DUP and Sinn Fein – which will not take up the seven seats it won in the election – said they wanted to renew talks to re-establish the devolved government in Belfast, which fell apart over a scandal following Foster's role in a flawed renewable energy scheme.
But Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams warned that "history will show that alliances between Ulster unionism and British unionism have always ended in tears. That's always been the story."