Big business has backed a Labor Party push for new laws to force major Australian companies to report on modern slavery in their supply chains.
Federal Labor will on Monday announce the new policy and call for the introduction of a Modern Slavery Act to impose new requirements on big business to report on slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. The policy includes the introduction of a publicly available list of companies that would be required to develop policies on and monitor any signs of the problem.

Labor also wants an independent anti-slavery commissioner like in Britain to address a lack of enforcement of laws against slavery and to help businesses protect supply chains.Â
The Business Council of Australia, which represents the chiefs of Australia's top companies, said it welcomed Labor's commitment to the introduction of a Modern Slavery Act.

"Greater global trade has boosted Australians' living standards, but it has also increased the risk that products and services are tainted by the use of forced labour," a Business Council spokesman said.
"Increased transparency will help customers, investors and business partners more easily distinguish whether companies are acting morally and working to maintain clean supply chains. Transparency also makes competition between businesses fairer.
"Large businesses are rightly taking a leadership role in promoting and supporting clean supply chains, and we look forward to consulting with Labor on the detail of its proposal."
Mining magnate Andrew Forrest late last year challenged Australian business leaders to wipe slavery out of their supply chains and has backed calls for tougher rules in this country.Â
He was shocked to find evidence of slavery within the supply chain of his Fortescue Metals Group in 2012.
Federal Labor's spokeswoman for Justice, Clare O'Neil and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will on Monday announce its new policy modelled on Britain's Modern Slavery Act.
"For the first time, we are making it crystal clear that big businesses need to know what's happening in their supply chains," Ms O'Neil said.
"Every day, we probably pick up a product, wear a piece of clothing, use a resource or consume something which has been touched by a slave.
"We have a clear moral responsibility to tackle this problem.
"This policy represents a major shift in thinking about our responsibility as businesses and consumers for modern slavery."
Labor's call for a Modern Slavery Act goes further than the existing British law by mandating and not simply suggesting that companies report on their supply chains and any areas of risk involving slavery and human trafficking. Companies would also face penalties for non-compliance.
Ms O'Neil said two-thirds of people trapped in slavery worldwide are reported to be in the Asia-Pacific region and it was estimated 4300 were trapped in slavery in Australia.
In February, federal Attorney-General George Brandis launched an inquiry into whether a modern slavery act should be introduced in Australia.
The inquiry has been asked to look into the extent of modern day slavery including forced labour and wage exploitation, involuntary servitude, debt bondage, human trafficking, forced marriage and other slavery-like exploitation in Australia and globally with reference to Britain's 2015 Modern Slavery Act.
The Senate committee has been asked to identify international best practice used by governments, companies, businesses and organisations to prevent modern slavery in domestic and global supply chains, with a view to strengthening Australian legislation.