The competition regulator has launched Federal Court action against private health insurer NIB, alleging it misled customers by not informing them of changes in their coverage.
Key points:
- Legal action relates to misleading claims of "no gap" cover on several eye procedures
- ACCC alleges NIB failed to inform customers of changes that removed some eye procedures from MediGap scheme
- NIB facing penalties of up to $1.1m per breach, with multiple breaches alleged
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said that, between June 2011 and October 2016, NIB represented to members that several of its policies covered eye procedures and members would not pay any out-of-pocket expenses.
The ACCC alleges members did in fact incur out-of-pocket costs and that NIB also failed to notify members of its decision to remove certain eye procedures from its MediGap Scheme in 2015.
"Consumers have a right to be informed of important changes to their insurance cover in advance, as these changes can result in very large financial consequences at a time when consumers are at their most vulnerable," ACCC chairman Rod Sims told the ABC.
"We are seeking declarations that it is illegal to make these changes without letting your members know.
"That is I think a really important finding for the health insurance industry, and we hope we can achieve that for consumers in Australia."
The representations are alleged to have been made by NIB in relation to the following 10 policies: Basic Plus, Family Basic Saver, Family Plus, Hospital Plus, Just Hospital, Mid Plus, Premier Plus, Top Cover, Young at Heart Mid and Young at Heart Top.
The ACCC said it was alerted to the issue of members not being adequately informed about changes to their policies, through a market study it undertook into the private health insurance industry a few years ago.
"We're concerned that generally in the private health insurance industry, there just does not seem to be adequate information to members about major changes that are made to their policies," Mr Sims explained.
"So taking action against NIB is part of a look we're doing at the whole health insurance industry to make sure that there is adequate disclosure to their members."
Penalties could run into many millions of dollars
He added that, while insurers are bound by rules under the Private Health Insurance Act, they still have obligations under Australian Consumer Law.
"Those obligations are to not mislead their consumers, so we would hope the key change from this action is they keep their members fully informed of changes made to their policies," Mr Sims said.
The ACCC boss said the financial penalties for NIB could be substantial.
"If we do prove our case in court, we'll be seeking significant penalties," Mr Sims observed.
"The penalties can be up to $1.1 million per breach and, depending on how the court rules, we would expect there would be multiple breaches in this circumstance."
Last June the ACCC began proceedings against Medibank for alleged "misleading and unconscionable conduct" over an alleged failure to give its members notice of the health fund's decision to limit benefits paid for in-hospital pathology and radiology services.
That case is continuing.
Topics: insurance, health-insurance, consumer-protection, regulation, company-news, business-economics-and-finance, australia