
Plans to build a $50 million medical precinct have been unveiled, with the six-story private hospital also set to include a mini-motel, providing up to 500 jobs.
Plans were unveiled on Wednesday to build the Bloomfield Medical Centre at the site of a former drive-in, opposite the city's public hospital, the Orange Health Service.
Zauner Construction and James Richmark Pty Limited will jointly develop the facility, which will include a private hospital, GP super clinic, retail and allied health precinct, and an 82-room motel with large conference facilities.
The project spokesman Frank O'Halloran said the centre would include 835 car parks, which would also alleviate long-running concerns about a shortage of spaces at the public hospital.
"What we've been trying to do over the last two or three years is to actually come up with a plan which we think will meet the needs of the Orange community," Mr O'Halloran said.
"It will add to the employment of the area, assist with the parking issues, but provide something that is very special and people will want to go and see."
Mr O'Halloran said it would complement services available at the public hospital.
"We've obviously talked to the general manager of the hospital across the road, and they are very keen. They've been extremely supportive to have this site up and running.
"In terms of people visiting Orange to see their loved ones in hospital, we hope that the mini-motel will be a first port of call to stay."
The mayor of Orange, John Davis, said it was "fabulous news" his city had been earmarked for the development.
"We believe that they should get a tick, there should be no reason why it wouldn't," Cr Davis said.
"Five hundred jobs in that area is quite sensational. Orange is certainly, if not already, going to be the leading medical precinct in country New South Wales by far."
Orange is already home to one private hospital and there has long been talk of a new facility, with a development approval already being granted at the proposed site.
But the plans unveiled this week will require further approvals through the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
The design has been modelled on a medical facility at Albury in the state's south.
Mr O'Halloran said they would fully fund the project, without the need for grant funding, and he hoped it would come to fruition within two years.
"Once we've completed the first stage, we will move to the back of the site and look at aged care, child care, and residential," he said.
Town planning consultant Peter Basha said the private medical facility would provide an important role in servicing a fast-growing part of Orange.
"This project really starts to consolidate the southern section of Orange as the medical precinct," Mr Basha said.
"I guess it's been ripe for a development of this type for some time, and that time is now.
"It will offer facilities that will, I'm sure, complement the public hospital, but at the same time offer facilities that will allow it to stand on its own two feet."
Construction is expected to begin as soon as planning approval is granted.
Topics: healthcare-facilities, regional-development, orange-2800