Total hourly rates of pay, excluding bonuses, rose by 0.5 per cent in the March quarter, matching market expectations.
In the year to the end of March, wages rose 1.9 per cent, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics Wage Price Index. This figure puts wage growth below the rise in the cost of living, at 2.1 per cent.
The minimum wage debate
Every year business, unions and politicians argue over the pay packets of lowly-paid workers - here's what the fight is all about.
The wage price index measures movement in underlying wages by calculating the change in wage and salary costs across a range of occupations.
Continued high unemployment and particularly underemployment "are clearly keeping wages growth at record low levels", said AMP Capital's chief economist Shane Oliver. "Workers simply have no bargaining power."
Negative real wage growth has occurred only twice since current records began two decades ago: during the global financial crisis, and across nine months in 2013-14.
The lacklustre data could delay an interest rate rise from the Reserve Bank and create a headache for the Turnbull government as it bets on a doubling in wage growth to help bring it back into surplus by 2021.
The pressure is set to intensify with analysts predicting that consumers will also be hit with higher prices as energy and raw material costs build up in shops while wages remain stubbornly low.

The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling has lashed the "wildly optimistic" forecasts of the Turnbull government's budget and leading economist Saul Eslake has called the predicted wage growth figures "aspirational".
Former Liberal leader John Hewson weighed in on Tuesday night, claiming the government had "consistently overestimated tax revenue".
"They think a wage explosion is going to happen when unemployment is relatively flat; I don't see how those numbers add up," he told a post-budget forum at the Australian National University.
The budget booked in wages growth of 3.75 per cent by 2020 to help deliver a 16 per cent boost to tax receipts and bring it back to surplus by 2021.
Treasurer Scott Morrison has repeatedly defended the budget's wage predictions, reiterating Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe's assessment that Australia was 90 per cent of the way through the end of the mining boom and wages would start to pick up again once the transition was complete.
With wires