The Australian Government's AAA credit rating is safe for now, as the last of the three major agencies reaffirms the nation's top investment status.
Ratings agency Standard and Poor's has affirmed Australia's AAA credit rating in response to the Federal Government's latest budget, delivered last week.
The agency's decision had been hotly anticipated on financial markets, because it is the only major ratings body to have the Australian Government's credit rating on a negative watch, meaning that it sees a downgrade as possible over the next couple of years.
All three major ratings agencies have now affirmed Australia's AAA credit rating, making it one of only 10 countries to be rated AAA across the board, although S&P retained its negative outlook.
While Standard & Poor's acknowledges Australia's strong institutions, floating exchange rate and credible Reserve Bank as strengths, it also noted that the traditionally strong budget position continued to deteriorate with a decade of deficits.
"This substantial delay in fiscal repair, and the risk of further delay, raises our doubt over the ability of the Australian government to meet its fiscal objectives," the agency noted in its rationale.
Moreover, S&P back-handed the Government's latest budget, saying that its latest wage growth and inflation forecasts are similar to those in last year's document, which proved too optimistic.
"While the Government's surplus target remains unchanged, its forecast fiscal deficits are slightly wider in the next couple of years than in its May 2016 forecasts, largely reflecting the negative effects of weak wage growth and inflation on government revenues," S&P observed.
Bureau of Statistics wage figures released earlier today show that pay rises remain at the lowest levels on record.
S&P also looked past the accounting practice of recent Australian governments, of both political persuasions, to take much infrastructure spending off the key measure of budget balances by labelling it as "equity investments" or loans.
"The off-budget spending is mainly in the form of loans, though we do not consider these loans to be liquid assets and consequently do not subtract them from gross debt," S&P said.
In other words, it would be hard for the Government to quickly sell these "investments" and "loans" at face value to the private sector, meaning they are more akin to spending with only the hope of an economic return in the future.
S&P said the Australian Government could be stripped of its AAA rating within the next two years if it lost confidence that the budget would return to surplus by the early 2020s.
The ratings agency's key rationale for Australia needing to return to surplus budgets is so that the Government has the capacity to respond to an international financial crisis or home grown housing bust.
It noted that Australia's net foreign liabilities (debt and investment) are now the second worst amongst all investment-grade nations, just behind the US (which, of course, retains its position as the world's reserve currency and is thus less threatened by its indebtedness).
While much of this foreign debt and equity was for productive investment, especially in the resources sector, S&P warned that, "a portion of Australia's external debt has also funded a surge in unproductive household borrowing for housing during the 1990s and 2000s intermediated by the banking sector."
This has lead to S&P's conclusion that the Australian Government needs to urgently improve its budget position.
"It is also needed to allow for a strong buffer to absorb the fiscal consequences if the ongoing boom in the credit and housing market were to abruptly end," the agency advised.
"While our base case is for a soft landing, our ratings could come under pressure if an undiminished continuation of the unsustainable credit expansion were to continue.
"We believe the fast and sustained growth in credit and house prices will increase risks to fiscal accounts, real economic growth, and financial stability."
In plain English, if this debt-fuelled housing boom is allowed to run much further, it will be beyond the Government's financial capacity to offset a bust - that is if it is not already.