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Posted: 2017-05-10 05:16:18

The Federal budget includes a number of multi-million-dollar measures to ensure more gas is available and shore up east-coast supplies.

Investment, environmental research, pipeline feasibility studies and other semi-regulatory bodies are at the heart of the spend.

It also is very pointed in its inference that states and territories with moratoria in place on gas drilling, exploration or fracking will not have access to funds.

East Coast Gas Development Program

The budget allocates $28.7 million to develop an East Coast Gas Development Program, which Federal Minister for Resources, Matt Canavan, said was designed to accelerate development of onshore gas fields.

The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) said it appeared to be modelled on a South Australian program.

"The South Australian Government was able to to speed up the development of five projects that will supply into the local market," CEO Malcolm Roberts said.

"There is a second round of projects to be announced this year in South Australia.

"It does mean that some public money will be used to attract further private investment in a project, after it's gone through stages including exploration, which can take 10 years, and all regulatory approvals.

"Then at that stage there may be a case for financially assisting develop an identified commercial resource to get it to the stage where it's bankable for investors."

Gas Market Reform Group

Funding has been allocated for a Gas Market Reform Group, which was one of the agreed outcomes of the COAG Energy Council in August last year.

The group will have $19.6 million to put into place strategies to improve gas market efficiency and transparency.

However, despite State and Territory Energy Ministers agreeing to a framework that included an end to state moratoria on unconventional gas development, within weeks of the COAG meeting State Governments did place restrictions on some onshore gas drilling, including no fracking of coal seam gas (CSG) extraction.

Mr Roberts said the decision by the new Northern Territory Government to put a ban on unconventional gas exploration was only in place waiting on the outcome of a scientific enquiry.

However he added that states like Victoria, which has banned all onshore gas exploration, would soon be faced with "economic reality".

"Victorian households use three times as much gas as households in New South Wales, and they have very large industrial users relying on gas."

Gas bio-regional assessments

More than $30 million has been allocated to provide funds for independent, scientific base-line measurements in areas earmarked for gas production.

APPEA has not yet seen the detail, but Malcolm Roberts said the association supported it in-principle.

"Bio-regional assessments are a very important tool to provide base-line environmental data at a regional level," he said.

"The bio-regional assessments will provide independent science on things like local water resources, and to develop risk and management strategies for safe gas development."

Pipeline feasibility studies

Feasibility studies into intrastate gas pipelines that would feed into an east-coast gas distribution network would also be funded.

There have been plans put forward to pipe gas from both the Northern Territory and Western Australia and $5.2 million will be used for a cost-benefit analysis of those.

Mr Roberts believed there was a strong case for funding those studies from the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund (NAIF).

"The NAIF is there to fund infrastructure in Northern Australia that's intended to spark economic development across northern Australia," he said.

"A feasibility study could lead to the conclusion that there is a national interest or a net benefit in developing one or other of those projects."

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