Insurers should use a new study of the Brisbane River catchment to reduce premiums for flood insurance, a leading hydrologist and the Mayor of Ipswich have said.
Key points:
- New study of Brisbane River touted as "flood bible" by Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale
- Hydrologist and Mr Pisasale say it should be used by insurers to provide more specific premiums
- Suncorp insurance non-committal about reductions
The hydrological study commissioned by the State Government after the 2011 Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry will be used by the Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley and Somerset councils to update their local maps and plans.
It is expected some properties will be added to the flood prone list, and some will be removed, after councils assess the new information over the next 12 months.
Hydrologist and chair of the study Mark Babister said better flood information should mean cheaper insurance.
"The important thing to understand is, the flood risk hasn't changed, we've just got a much better understanding of it," Mr Babister said.

Mayor of Ipswich Paul Pisasale described the study as a "flood bible" and accused insurers of previously taking a broad approach to flood cover.
"Insurance companies, they just look at post codes and bill everybody; they've been making a fortune," he said.
"They've got to start now using the real facts in regards to identifying [flood risk]."
Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said the study incorporated 170 years of rainfall data and used 50,000 computer simulations to investigate 11,340 scenarios that influenced flooding.
"The inquiry recommended this study because there is currently no single flood model that councils can use ... for land-use planning, disaster management and building community resilience," Ms Trad said.
"The information will be more accurate, so some houses will be more flood prone under different scenarios and other houses won't."

Insurers cautious about potential reductions
Suncorp insurance spokesman Joshua Cooney said the study was just a first step.
"I don't want to make any wild predictions [about premiums].We'll definitely have a look at it and see how it influences how we view flood risk in south-east Queensland," Mr Cooney said.
In a statement, the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) said it would ensure the new data was made available to all insurers through the National Flood Information Database.
ICA chief executive Rob Whelan said the detailed report was an important step in understanding the flood risks faced by the region.
"The data in this report can help the Queensland Government and councils develop mitigation strategies to combat flooding, and will inform planning decisions so new developments are constructed in a flood-resilient manner," he said.
"Where flood exposure is assessed as lower than previous data indicated, premium reductions may follow."
Mr Whelan said insurers did not price their premiums based on postcodes.
"More than 96 per cent of household insurance policies purchased now include cover for flooding under the Federal Government's standard definition," he said.
"Flood cover is available to all homes and businesses, and priced according to the risks faced at each individual address, not postcode."
Report may not affect house prices: real estate institute
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) said the report would not necessarily affect house prices in flood-prone areas.
REIQ chairman Rob Honeycombe said while some homebuyers were deterred by flooding risks it did not always affect a property's value.
"Some of these areas that get water affected are very popular suburbs, they're close to the city in many cases, obviously waterfront in many cases so they have lots of good real estate aspects already so I think that actually underpins values," he said.
"We have seen a number of suburbs that were affected by the 2011 floods bounce back very well and it does show that many homebuyers can look past flood impacts but they're certainly a factor of course."
Mr Honeycombe said the report provided important information but encouraged buyers to always do their own research.
"We welcome any information that will help homebuyers do more research on the places they're looking at but a map on its own isn't going to be enough for a homebuyer to make a real decision about whether they do buy a place or not, they are going to talk to locals, they are going to do their homework on what happened in 2011 and '74," he said.
"There are buyers who can see past it and there will always be buyers that can't and I think what people are most interested in is long-term visions with real estate, long-term views of what will happen to an area and flooding is certainly a part of that but it is only one part for most properties."
Topics: floods, dams-and-reservoirs, research, local-government, insurance, state-parliament, brisbane-4000, ipswich-4305, lockyer-4344
First posted