Sick of the BS (budget spin)? Take a look at our cheat sheet to ensure you dominate your dinner table debate on the budget.
Housing demands
Housing prices are high, we want answers and we've been told they're on the way.
The Coalition's been eager to spruik housing measures in the budget. But the attention has switched to education in recent weeks.
It appears the Government is trying to lower expectations. It has few levers to pull when it comes to housing affordability.
Stamp duty is a state issue and interest rates are controlled by the Reserve Bank.
Any action will be welcomed but the political payoff won't last if the market shows no sign of slowing.
The Treasurer insists he will use a "scalpel" rather than a "sledgehammer" on housing.
That means we'll see a range of new measures and tinkering, but certainly no change to negative gearing.
While we're at it, check out how much property your local pollie owns.
Out with zombies?
Remember Joe Hockey's 2014 federal budget? Well the Government would rather you didn't.
The term "zombie" is used to describe unpopular Abbott-era legislation that can't get through the Senate.
In recent weeks, we've seen cabinet ministers trying to kill these zombies.
The wildly unpopular 20 per cent cut to university funding has been replaced with more moderate savings measures.
Schools will get an extra $18.6 billion over ten years, igniting a new political contest.
Cuts to the community legal sector have also been abandoned.
Getting this news out early is an attempt to frame the budget as more measured and fairer than its predecessors.
The Government also looks set to unwind the Medicare rebate freeze to ensure Labor's Mediscare campaign can never be repeated.
Who is the real infrastructure PM?
Could Malcolm Turnbull steal Tony Abbott's self-appointed title as "the infrastructure prime minister"?
We can expect big spending measures in this budget from inland rail to the Western Sydney airport and the Snowy Hydro Scheme 2.0.
Big spending on roads and railways plays well with voters and we can expect the $50 billion infrastructure package to be brought forward.
If the Treasurer is given room to flex his "good debt" muscles, then Mr Turnbull could steal his predecessor's title.
Good debt, bad debt
You may have heard that one before.
The Treasurer has a habit of drawing this distinction before an economic update.
For some, it's a way of lowering expectations about the deficit. Others see it as a paving the way for more spending on infrastructure and so-called nation building.
If the Treasurer can make the case for spending big on major projects, he can insulate himself from attacks by deficit hawks.
But not all future spending is good spending. A road to nowhere has few economic benefits, even if there's a political payoff.
The nasties
Some good news was let out early but that doesn't mean there won't be nasties.
The main public service union expects 4,500 job losses as a result of the continuing efficiency dividend.
The Human Services Minister has also flagged a crackdown on welfare recipients who exploit loopholes and avoid appointments with employment services.
But all budget measures will have to get through a testy Senate crossbench, which hasn't looked favourably on deep cuts to welfare.
Recent opinion polls show many voters feel the same way.
The Treasurer will have to be mindful of this.
You can bank on a deficit
The Treasurer says "things are beginning to look up", but take that with a grain of salt.
December's economic update increased Australia's debt level from $278.8 billion, to $317.2 billion.
While Government debt can pose problems, it's not the same as personal debt.
On that, Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has warned household debt is rising too fast.
Wages are at historic lows and Deloitte economist Chris Richardson says house prices are "dangerously dumb".
There's no shortage of challenges.