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Posted: 2017-05-05 13:38:51
Business Insider Australia (Australian Stories) Insider Australia (Australian Stories)en-AUBusiness Insider Australia | Business news, trends and insights<link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read The 8 most beautiful new libraries in the world"> <img src=""/></a> Hold onto your reading glasses. On April 6, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the American Library Association (ALA) announced this year's picks for the best new libraries in the world. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read The 8 most beautiful new libraries in the world">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Chris Weller</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 04:00:12 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read The 8 most beautiful new libraries in the world"> <img src=""/></a> Hold onto your reading glasses. On April 6, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the American Library Association (ALA) announced this year's picks for the best new libraries in the world. <a href="" title="Click here to read The 8 most beautiful new libraries in the world">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read This 'experimental' web browser doesn't look like any other you've used -- here's what it can do"> <img src=""/></a> Remember when Chrome was exciting? It wasn't too long ago when Google's web browser was seen as a godsend, a minimalist and speedy alternative to the stagnant husk of Internet Explorer. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read This 'experimental' web browser doesn't look like any other you've used -- here's what it can do">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Jeff Dunn</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 03:00:14 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read This 'experimental' web browser doesn't look like any other you've used -- here's what it can do"> <img src=""/></a> Remember when Chrome was exciting? It wasn't too long ago when Google's web browser was seen as a godsend, a minimalist and speedy alternative to the stagnant husk of Internet Explorer. <a href="" title="Click here to read This 'experimental' web browser doesn't look like any other you've used -- here's what it can do">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 30 differences between the 'Game of Thrones' books and TV show you may not have noticed"> <img src=""/></a> HBO's "Game of Thrones" naturally has to make some changes from the books when adapting them to a television show. That's the nature of the medium. Business Insider has previously compiled the biggest plot changes from the books to the show, including how Tyrion Lannister looks quite different on the small screen. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 30 differences between the 'Game of Thrones' books and TV show you may not have noticed">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Madeleine Sheehan Perkins</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 02:00:12 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read 30 differences between the 'Game of Thrones' books and TV show you may not have noticed"> <img src=""/></a> HBO's "Game of Thrones" naturally has to make some changes from the books when adapting them to a television show. That's the nature of the medium. Business Insider has previously compiled the biggest plot changes from the books to the show, including how Tyrion Lannister looks quite different on the small screen. <a href="" title="Click here to read 30 differences between the 'Game of Thrones' books and TV show you may not have noticed">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign asks media to 'be responsible' after emails were leaked"> <img src=""/></a> French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign delivered a statement addressing the "massive" computer hack that dumped staff emails nearly two days before voters head to the polls, asking the media to be "responsible" in their coverage of the hack. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign asks media to 'be responsible' after emails were leaked">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>David Choi</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 01:30:02 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign asks media to 'be responsible' after emails were leaked"> <img src=""/></a> French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign delivered a statement addressing the "massive" computer hack that dumped staff emails nearly two days before voters head to the polls, asking the media to be "responsible" in their coverage of the hack. <a href="" title="Click here to read French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign asks media to 'be responsible' after emails were leaked">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 10 business and money books everyone is reading right now"> <img src=""/></a> If you've ever wondered how your coworkers, friends, or neighbours always seems to win at life, we'll let you in on a little secret. they're probably reading the right books. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 10 business and money books everyone is reading right now">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Catherine Rice</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 01:00:14 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read 10 business and money books everyone is reading right now"> <img src=""/></a> If you've ever wondered how your coworkers, friends, or neighbours always seems to win at life, we'll let you in on a little secret. they're probably reading the right books. <a href="" title="Click here to read 10 business and money books everyone is reading right now">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Refugee processing under the Trump administration has 'ground to a halt'"> <img src=""/></a> Refugee processing in the United States appears to be undergoing a significant slowdown, even though courts have blocked the Trump administration's early efforts to suspend refugee admissions. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Refugee processing under the Trump administration has 'ground to a halt'">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Michelle Mark</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 00:56:23 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Refugee processing under the Trump administration has 'ground to a halt'"> <img src=""/></a> Refugee processing in the United States appears to be undergoing a significant slowdown, even though courts have blocked the Trump administration's early efforts to suspend refugee admissions. <a href="" title="Click here to read Refugee processing under the Trump administration has 'ground to a halt'">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Turnbull government restricts TV gambling ads in major media sector reform package"> <img src=""/></a> Australia's free-to-air broadcasters have welcomed a $100 million win from the Federal Government's broader media reform package, which will include the slashing of free-to-air TV licence fees, trimming the anti-siphoning list for sporting events and tighter restrictions on gambling advertisements on television. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Turnbull government restricts TV gambling ads in major media sector reform package">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Max Mason, BusinessDay</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 00:06:09 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Turnbull government restricts TV gambling ads in major media sector reform package"> <img src=""/></a> Australia's free-to-air broadcasters have welcomed a $100 million win from the Federal Government's broader media reform package, which will include the slashing of free-to-air TV licence fees, trimming the anti-siphoning list for sporting events and tighter restrictions on gambling advertisements on television. <a href="" title="Click here to read Turnbull government restricts TV gambling ads in major media sector reform package">More »</a> <br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 8 surprising ways exercise affects your brain"> <img src=""/></a> Exercise is clearly good for our bodies -- it can lead to a lower resting heart rate, decreased risk of disease, improved endurance, and much more. But physical activity offers huge mental and psychological benefits as well. In fact, working out is pretty much the closest thing we have to a wonder drug. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read 8 surprising ways exercise affects your brain">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Skye Gould, Kevin Loria</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Sat, 06 May 2017 00:00:11 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read 8 surprising ways exercise affects your brain"> <img src=""/></a> Exercise is clearly good for our bodies -- it can lead to a lower resting heart rate, decreased risk of disease, improved endurance, and much more. But physical activity offers huge mental and psychological benefits as well. In fact, working out is pretty much the closest thing we have to a wonder drug. <a href="" title="Click here to read 8 surprising ways exercise affects your brain">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Trump transition officials tried to warn Michael Flynn about his conversations with a Russian ambassador"> <img src=""/></a> Donald Trump's transition team did not believe former national security adviser Michael Flynn appreciated the risks of his communications with Russia ahead of Trump's inauguration, The Washington Post reported on Friday. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Trump transition officials tried to warn Michael Flynn about his conversations with a Russian ambassador">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Bryan Logan</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 23:38:51 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Trump transition officials tried to warn Michael Flynn about his conversations with a Russian ambassador"> <img src=""/></a> Donald Trump's transition team did not believe former national security adviser Michael Flynn appreciated the risks of his communications with Russia ahead of Trump's inauguration, The Washington Post reported on Friday. <a href="" title="Click here to read Trump transition officials tried to warn Michael Flynn about his conversations with a Russian ambassador">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Nintendo and Uniqlo teamed up for a worldwide T-shirt design contest -- here are the winners"> <img src=""/></a> Last July, Japanese clothing retailed Uniqlo teamed up with Nintendo to launch a global T-shirt design competition. Now, the results are in -- and they're nothing short of awesome. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Nintendo and Uniqlo teamed up for a worldwide T-shirt design contest -- here are the winners">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Avery Hartmans</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 23:00:11 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Nintendo and Uniqlo teamed up for a worldwide T-shirt design contest -- here are the winners"> <img src=""/></a> Last July, Japanese clothing retailed Uniqlo teamed up with Nintendo to launch a global T-shirt design competition. Now, the results are in -- and they're nothing short of awesome. <a href="" title="Click here to read Nintendo and Uniqlo teamed up for a worldwide T-shirt design contest -- here are the winners">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read I spent a day at Ford's racing school -- here are the 5 most important things I learned"> <img src=""/></a> I went to Utah last weekend to drive the $US400,000 Ford GT supercar -- a rare privilege as only 250 will be built in 2017 -- but the day before I hit the road and the racetrack, Ford put me through its one-day Performance Racing School program. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read I spent a day at Ford's racing school -- here are the 5 most important things I learned">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Matthew DeBord</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 22:35:13 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read I spent a day at Ford's racing school -- here are the 5 most important things I learned"> <img src=""/></a> I went to Utah last weekend to drive the $US400,000 Ford GT supercar -- a rare privilege as only 250 will be built in 2017 -- but the day before I hit the road and the racetrack, Ford put me through its one-day Performance Racing School program. <a href="" title="Click here to read I spent a day at Ford's racing school -- here are the 5 most important things I learned">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read This easy-to-use app eliminates the scary feeling of looking up your health symptoms online"> <img src=""/></a> We've all had the horrifying moment of looking up a health symptom and receiving a horrifying -- but probably fake -- diagnosis in return. That's the scenario the Buoy app is trying to avoid. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read This easy-to-use app eliminates the scary feeling of looking up your health symptoms online">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Avery Hartmans</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 22:00:13 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read This easy-to-use app eliminates the scary feeling of looking up your health symptoms online"> <img src=""/></a> We've all had the horrifying moment of looking up a health symptom and receiving a horrifying -- but probably fake -- diagnosis in return. That's the scenario the Buoy app is trying to avoid. <a href="" title="Click here to read This easy-to-use app eliminates the scary feeling of looking up your health symptoms online">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Sheryl Sandberg explains how is she coping with her husband's death, how Mark Zuckerberg has helped her, and why 'grief leave' is as important as maternity leave"> <img src=""/></a> Sheryl Sandberg has had a difficult two years. While she has been working as the chief operating officer at Facebook, which recently reported one of its strongest quarters ever, she was dealt a devastating blow. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Sheryl Sandberg explains how is she coping with her husband's death, how Mark Zuckerberg has helped her, and why 'grief leave' is as important as maternity leave">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Alyson Shontell</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 21:29:58 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Sheryl Sandberg explains how is she coping with her husband's death, how Mark Zuckerberg has helped her, and why 'grief leave' is as important as maternity leave"> <img src=""/></a> Sheryl Sandberg has had a difficult two years. While she has been working as the chief operating officer at Facebook, which recently reported one of its strongest quarters ever, she was dealt a devastating blow. <a href="" title="Click here to read Sheryl Sandberg explains how is she coping with her husband's death, how Mark Zuckerberg has helped her, and why 'grief leave' is as important as maternity leave">More »</a> <br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Trump indicated where he stands on medical marijuana for the first time since he took office"> <img src=""/></a> President Donald Trump issued his first statement on medical marijuana since he took office. Trump on Friday signed a $US1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will keep the federal government funded through September 30. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Trump indicated where he stands on medical marijuana for the first time since he took office">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Jeremy Berke</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 21:22:30 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Trump indicated where he stands on medical marijuana for the first time since he took office"> <img src=""/></a> President Donald Trump issued his first statement on medical marijuana since he took office. Trump on Friday signed a $US1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that will keep the federal government funded through September 30. <a href="" title="Click here to read Trump indicated where he stands on medical marijuana for the first time since he took office">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Facebook's big attack on TV is coming"> <img src=""/></a> Facebook has kicked its push for TV-like shows into high gear and is aiming to premiere its first slate of programming in mid-June, multiple people familiar with the plans told Business Insider. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Facebook's big attack on TV is coming">More »</a><br/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </description><creator>Nathan McAlone, Alex Heath</creator><thumbnail url=""/><guid ispermalink="false"></guid><pubdate>Fri, 05 May 2017 21:12:52 +1000</pubdate><origenclosurelink></origenclosurelink><encoded><a href="" title="Click here to read Facebook's big attack on TV is coming"> <img src=""/></a> Facebook has kicked its push for TV-like shows into high gear and is aiming to premiere its first slate of programming in mid-June, multiple people familiar with the plans told Business Insider. <a href="" title="Click here to read Facebook's big attack on TV is coming">More »</a><br/><img align="left" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" hspace="0" src=""/><div><a title="Add to FaceBook" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Share on Google+" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Add to Reddit" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a> <a title="Tweet This" href=""><img height="20" src=""/></a><p> </p> </div>]]> </encoded></item><item><origlink></origlink><title/><link/><description><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" title="Click here to read Celine Dion has finally found a buyer for her lavish Florida mansion that has gotten $45 million in price chops since 2013"> <img src="http://fee <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <!-- View more link --> <a href="#?call=foxfeedspro.viewpopup&height=500&width=full&id=115951" class="inlinePopup">View More</a> </div> <div class="view_more2" style="clear:both;position: relative;margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="t_right"> <ul class="item_menu_feed"> <div class="ffp_news_share_button"> <li class="sub_menu_bar_li"><a href="#" onclick="tb_show('Share', $.ajaxBox('share.popup', 'height=300&width=550&type=foxfeedspro&')); 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