A Queensland Police Service spokesman has confirmed about a dozen police officers from surrounding stations including Mundubbera, Biggenden, Howard and Maryborough were involved in today's search along with the Search and Rescue Mission Area co-ordinator.
"Two helicopters were tasked to assist along with resources from other emergency services and people from the local community," he said.
"The QPS carefully considers the circumstances surrounding false or misleading information being provided to police.
"Police are not considering any further action in relation to this matter and wish the man well in his recovery."
The man involved has been taken to hospital.
The NewsMail understands the man involved lives with a mental illness.
Police recommend anyone who needs help can reach out to SANE Australia on 1800 18 7263 or by visiting www.sane.org.
THE Bundaberg RACQ LifeFight Rescue helicopter spent two hours conducting an aerial search for the missing man reportedly trapped in a vehicle in Biggenden.
LifeFlight was tasked at 7am today to help find the man and his grey VW Golf sedan.
Upon returning to base to refuel, LifeFlight was advised by police that the man had been found on the Bruce Hwy just north of Maryborough.
Motorists had been urged to keep an eye out for the sedan sedan, which was believed to have crashed 6m down an embankment.

POLICE have found the man at the heart of a massive air and land search in a Maryborough coffee shop and initial investigations indicate the crash may not have happened.
The man, who sparked the search, was found at the coffee shop not physically injured but has been taken to hospital for an assessment.
Police say "initial inquiries suggest the reported incident did not occur".
Emergency service crews from Bundaberg, Mundubbera, Childers and Maryborough were tasked to help Biggenden police find the man on Saturday morning
It was reported earlier that the man crashed his vehicle on an unknown road and down an embankment in the Biggenden area.
A helicopter from Bundaberg was also involved with the search.

POLICE are appealing for help to find a vehicle which is believed to have crashed on an unknown road and travelled 6m down an embankment.
A 29-year-old man was reportedly trapped in a grey VW Golf sedan near Mt Walsh, Biggenden which he crashed while travelling to the rock pools at Utopia, Boompa.
QAS last made contact with the man shortly before 3am.
A helicopter from Bundaberg has been activated and police crews from Mundubbera, Childers and Maryborough have been tasked to help Biggenden police with the search for the man.
Investigators are appealing for anyone who may be driving in the area to please keep a lookout for the crashed vehicle and report any signs of the crash to police immediately.
If you have information for police, phone Policelink on 131 444.