Hark, the trumpets at dawn. Yes, another Anzac Day. And yes, most of the coverage and commentary will be deeply reverential and sorrowful, while another stream will be hairy-chested with a good measure of breast-beating thrown in.
But way off in a small besieged corner, there will be another strand of commentary, usually from brave academics waving their tattered flag of truth – 'neath the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air – prepared to withstand the bitter blowback they will inevitably be receiving for being seen to be even remotely critical of anything that touches upon Anzac Day.
A usual theme of these academics will be that this glorification of our military past is unhealthy and untrue. They will insist that there was nothing particularly outstanding about Australian soldiers compared to those of other nations, and that there should be no claims to Australian exceptionalism on account of the Diggers' achievements at places such as Gallipoli, Pozieres, Hamel, Kokoda, Tobruk and Long Tan.
To those academics and nay-sayers, I say ... I get it.
I understand precisely where you are coming from, admire your fortitude to insist on blowing raspberries while everyone else is saluting, and cringe myself at some of the over-the-top nature of Anzac Day. A personal bug-bear is seeing football matches – particularly those of the NRL – turned into some kind of propaganda display for military might, all with the subtle implication that there is even the tiniest tenuous link between the mere football the spectators are about to see and the actual bravery displayed by Australian soldiers through the ages.
I, for one, think that while Gallipoli, for starters, is a stunner of a story, a much better one for all Australians to unite around in the 21st century, would be the Eureka Stockade, where there was no invasion of a foreign land, no serving of Imperial interests, no barbarous mass slaughter on both sides lying at the very heart of the saga. Instead, with Eureka, you had the heroic struggle against Imperial interests, a yearning for justice, a fight for democracy, a growing sense of independence from Britain and a magnificent flag of our own, all of it on a multicultural theme. And this time, you had lots of women involved too! I repeat, Eureka is a much better "foundation story", if you will, and I said as much to Tony Abbott when he was prime minister, who ... did not agree. (Strongly, as I recall. I said we had to move on from what was too often an exclusive celebration of the remains of British Australia, which excludes the rest of the country. He replied he was "a great admirer of British Australia", and that was that.)
But here's the thing. Despite the fact that so much of the coverage really is over the top, despite it's overbearing jingoism, there lies right at the very heart of the fervour, an "inconvenient truth", for those who wish to maintain "nothing to see here, folks, move on". That is, that the achievements of Australian soldiers in so many theatres over so many decades, really have been exceptional.
There's no way around it. Time and again, I go back to the achievements of the 2nd AIF – in which, I am proud both my parents served – most particularly at Tobruk and Kokoda, which I have written books on. At Tobruk in 1941, they came face-to-face with a German Army that had shattered every shred of opposition they had come across, from 1939 onwards. Our mob stopped them, cold. Let the record show: in the wretched shimmering desert heat, the Australians were the first to stop the Germans. For the same Australian force to then be also the first to stop the Japanese Army in the jungle at Milne Bay and Kokoda in 1942 is nothing less than extraordinary, surely? Can we not agree that, for the same soldiers to emerge victorious from such different campaigns, both times against evil regimes, is a great badge of honour, worthy of commemoration?
Ditto, the Great War, which I have been writing books on for the past few years, through Gallipoli, Fromelles, Pozieres, Villers Bretonneux and, lately, Le Hamel. Whichever way you cut it, the achievements of the Australians really were inspirational. I particularly cite what happened in March-April 1918, after the Germans launched their all-or-nothing Kaiserschlacht, straight at the British forces who – after nearly four years of privations, of losing so many of their gnarled veterans – crumpled. The Australians, on 12 occasions over five weeks, came face-to-face with overwhelming German might, and did not give an inch.
And yes, yes, yes, I know I am just a jumped-up footballer who, remarkably, can type. So don't take my word for it.
But you'd think the Brits' official historian, Brigadier General Sir James Edmonds, who was close to British Commander-in-Chief, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, might know something about it? Edmonds insisted that the capacity of the Australian soldier in the Great War, made him, "We all agree ... the finest". France's Marshal Ferdinand Foch, for once, was in d'accord, noting in 1919, "The greatest individual fighter in the war was the Australian". A future British prime minister, Captain Anthony Eden, noted that our own General Sir John Monash was "the ablest soldier of the war, [and] it is no surprise that the enemy had rather be anywhere else in the world than facing the Anzacs".
I could fill dozens of pages with such quotes.
In sum, there is no doubt that Anzac Day has veered from what should be solemn commemoration, into what is too often garish celebration. And I couldn't agree more that we need to embrace other sagas in our storied history. But let us at least also do the Diggers their due. What they achieved really was staggering.
Our enduring respect will not remotely make up for the actual tragedy too often forgotten in all the flag-waving, of so many graves of Australian soldiers in so many parts of the world – 47,000 in France alone – but it is something.
Lest we forget.
Twitter: @Peter_Fitz