My last appearance on commercial TV was the usual morning panel where highly made-up women discuss "issues" in the newspaper headlines.
One of the topics for discussion was the rise in crime in some parts of regional Australia.
My co-panellist launched into an impassioned speech about bad parenting and how lazy and useless modern parents are.
I asked her where her evidence was for her statement and she stared at me as if I was a half-wit. The poor quality of modern parenting seemed to be self-evident.
We are tough on parents. By "we", I mean everyone.
Parents are tough on each other and on themselves. People without kids can be tough on parents, and older generations, including grandparents, can be scathing about "modern" approaches to parenting.
A 2014 Ipsos Global Trends study found that 81 per cent of Australians believe that parents do not take enough responsibility for the behaviour of their children, putting us in the top three among the wide spectrum of nations surveyed.
In the qualitative research I've conducted over the last decade, the same criticisms of modern children and their parents come up time and again: that Australian children lack respect, are rude and entitled, are sheltered and mollycoddled, and haven't the skills or the wit to amuse themselves.
We blame parents who apparently parent by remote control, too busy at work or self-absorbed to really pay attention to their kids.
Or, we are too overprotective, not letting kids be kids.
It seems parents can't win either way
They are either too hands-off or too hands-on.
Whether today's children are in fact worse than previous generations, or today's parents are in fact less competent that their predecessors, is extremely difficult to measure.
Certainly, the perception that both children and parents are getting worse seems to have taken hold.
The other aspect of this discussion that is quite difficult to find authoritative data on is whether parents do in fact spend substantially less time with their children than they did, say, 20 years ago.
None of the reliable quantitative or qualitative research paints a picture of dramatically decreasing time spent with kids.
In fact, all the research I've done has shown increasing involvement of both mum and dad in kids' lives — more involvement with homework, extra-curricular activities as well as managing busy social schedules.
If anything, parents tend to feel that family schedules are weighed down by all of this child busyness:
"Swimming, ballet, all the birthday parties. It never ends."
The busyness of even our youngest kids is the end result of our best intentions and our most paranoid fears.
We want them to be exposed to lots of different experiences and to acquire diverse skills (enhancing the CV we hope they will enter the workforce with), starting them early so that might become a chess champ or an accomplished flute player.
We want them to enjoy activities with peers. We don't want them to feel left out.
But the busyness of our children's lives is also the result of an intense fear about their safety.
Parents are just doing their best
We might lament the end of a time when kids could play outside unsupervised, but it is a sentiment divorced from how we actually run our children's lives.
If we aren't paying someone to supervise our kids, we feel the need to personally supervise what they are doing, including the kinds of activities that were generally unsupervised in the past.
If I look back at many of the discussion groups I've conducted, the criticism of modern parents has been largely unfair, dominated by a perception that parents are either negligent or powerless, and that children are "out of control".
Perhaps that's a very human tendency to feel as if the past was better than the uncertain and unstable present.
My overwhelming experience has been parents doing their best, and beating themselves up constantly when they imagine they fall short.
If the rising generation is supposed to be proof of their parents' failures, then I've found very little to worry about.
The young Australians I've met are aware of their parents' hard work and their own good fortune. If they don't stop to think about it enough, it's because they are just too goddamn busy.
Instead of being mindless in their approach to parenting, my experience is that parents spend an inordinate amount of time discussing their philosophies and approach to parenting with friends and family.
Should our kids be free-range or battery cage? What is the right kind of school?
We might worry that we are over-complicating our lives and their lives but in the end, many of us can't help but encourage our kids into a full schedule of activities or dish out for expensive private schooling, even though we know the research shows it doesn't always offer the best return on investment.
This investment in our kids is driven by love, but also fear: not just that they will be abducted or hurt, but that no matter how hard they try at school, they will struggle to find their place in the future labour market, steamrolled perhaps by smart and hardworking Asian kids overseas and in our own schools and universities.
As one grandmother once put it to me rather bluntly: "If our kids don't get a good education, they'll be cleaning toilets for the Chinese."
We might laugh or cringe at this sentiment, but if you stand in the shoes of most Australian parents, is seems absolutely rational.
Dr Rebecca Huntley is one of Australia's foremost researchers on social trends. She is the author of numerous books, including Still Lucky: Why You Should Feel Optimistic About Australia and Its People. Rebecca is the head of research at Essential Media.
Topics: parenting, children, schools, offbeat, social-sciences, australia