Rupert Murdoch stood behind his top American asset, the anchor Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, for years, shrugging off a sexual harassment scandal in the mid-2000s and multiple complaints about O'Reilly's behaviour that surfaced behind closed doors.
Murdoch prizes loyalty and profits, both of which O'Reilly brought him in droves. And Murdoch disdains the politically correct mores of the media world, relishing any chance to defy liberal detractors who might challenge his success.
Fox drops Bill O'Reilly over sex claims
Fox News has dropped its top anchor of more than 20 years Bill O'Reilly following a review of sexual harassment claims against him.
But Murdoch, 86, has also proved, time and again, that he is a pragmatist at his core – at least, when his hand is forced. Roger E. Ailes, the Fox News creator who generated billions of dollars for Murdoch, is gone. News of the World, the famed tabloid newspaper at the heart of a hacking scandal, is closed.
Now O'Reilly, the top cable news host in the US, is out. Murdoch signed off on the decision, even if, according to people briefed on the deliberations who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters, it took him longer than others in his circle to get there.

Murdoch did not build a worldwide corporate empire without making a few hard choices along the way. Fox News may be a major profit centre, but Murdoch has lucrative interests across multiple continents, including the Australian, Asian and European markets.
And his memory is long. When the hacking fracas threatened to subsume his business, Murdoch watched his bid to acquire Sky, the British satellite and news giant, scuttled by British regulators. Now, he again has Sky in his sights, and O'Reilly's troubles surfaced at the moment when Murdoch must pass a so-called fit and proper test, or a judgment on whether the people who will run the merged company are fit to do so.
Controlling Sky would be highly lucrative, but it was not the only factor that weighed against Murdoch's natural fealty to his stars. Advertiser boycotts and protests at the Manhattan headquarters of News Corp, one of Murdoch's companies, were ratcheting up pressure. Before Wednesday's announcement, members of senior management at Fox News' parent company, 21st Century Fox, were briefed on the results of an internal investigation into O'Reilly's behaviour.
Murdoch, who often resists outside pressure, was also being counselled by his sons, James and Lachlan Murdoch, who are the top executives at 21st Century Fox and are intent on steering the family ship far into a new century, with new standards of workplace behaviour.

And while O'Reilly may have been Fox News' top draw, the channel's audience is aging. Murdoch had recently been presented with firsthand evidence that, for viewers, the Fox News message might be more important than the person who delivers it.
Murdoch, who took over stewardship of Fox News after Ailes' departure, decided in January to replace his departing star Megyn Kelly with Tucker Carlson, a seemingly past-his-prime conservative pundit who at the time was best known for wearing colourful bow ties on air.

The television news industry did a double take. Tucker Carlson? At 9pm?
Murdoch, it turned out, had the right instincts. Kelly scored high ratings, but Carlson routinely outdraws her in the same time slot. His total audience, on some nights, had begun to rival that of O'Reilly.

Not surprisingly, it was again Murdoch, this week, who decided that O'Reilly could be replaced. Carlson will now take over the 8pm Eastern time slot that The O'Reilly Factor is vacating.
Murdoch despises the perception that he does not stick up for those who are loyal to him. Some of his most cherished lieutenants, like former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks, were eventually forced out, only to return later, taking senior positions in Murdoch's circle.
Jettisoning O'Reilly was most likely another painful moment for Murdoch. But it may have been less so than the episode last summer involving Ailes, who, besides being a critical colleague, was something of a Murdoch friend, one who helped Murdoch start Fox News two decades ago.
O'Reilly and Murdoch are said to be cordial with each other, according to people who have dealt with both. But corporate executives and on-air talent are rarely very close, especially in an industry in which brands are vital and talent is dispensable.
In a memo to the Fox News staff on Wednesday, Murdoch praised O'Reilly as "one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news" and he wrote that he understood "how difficult this has been for many of you".
The deed, however, was done. And Murdoch is no fan of dwelling.
"We have full confidence that the network will continue to be a powerhouse in cable news," he wrote. "Please see attached for our new programming line-up."
New York Times