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Posted: 2017-04-21 22:11:43

Posted April 22, 2017 08:11:43

A group of Canberra school cleaners will receive thousands of dollars in back pay after the Federal Court found their employer had been underpaying them for years.

The United Voice Union, which represented the cleaners, believed the 22 workers affected could share in as much as $300,000 in unpaid wages.

The court found the company, Phillip Cleaning Services (PCS), had breached its workplace agreement by failing to pay some workers the correct rates on school holidays or, in some cases, failing to pay leave loading.

The company, run by Angelo Di Dio, is responsible for cleaning 10 government schools in the ACT.

United Voice ACT branch secretary Lyndal Ryan said many of the cleaners were from the Karen ethnic minority group from Myanmar.

"It's been very confusing and difficult for them to understand, when they had been very good and hard workers, that their employer would seek to deceive them in the way that he did," she said.

Ms Ryan said Mr Di Dio continuously changed the company's identity on the workers' payslips to further disguise the underpayment.

"The name would change slightly and the ABN would change," she said.

"In the background companies were being liquidated and the employee would be moved to another entity without their knowledge."

Ms Ryan said when the cleaners spoke out the employer "was quick to victimise them and abuse them".

"He told them for example that he had every intention of spending all money in mitigation rather than see them get one cent," she said.

In handing down her orders, Justice Jayne Jagot described Mr Di Dio's evidence as "repeatedly self-serving, internally inconsistent and unbelievable" and that his initial evidence "was a fabrication".

Court documents show Mr Di Dio originally claimed that a company other than his own employed the workers at the time, a claim Justice Jagot did not accept.

"I concluded from his evidence that Mr Di Dio felt entitled to run PCS as he thought fit, irrespective of any legal obligations of PCS to its employees," she said.

"Further, in the event of any conflict between Mr Di Dio's evidence and that of one of the employees, I would accept the evidence of the employee."

The court has ordered the judgement be handed to the ACT Education Directorate to ensure the Government is aware of the issues.

Topics: courts-and-trials, work, industrial-relations, canberra-2600, act

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