
A new hydroelectric power system in Tasmania would have to compete directly with the Snowy Mountains scheme, an energy expert says, but may make a second power cable between Tasmania and Victoria more viable.
But others have cautioned Australia's "uncertain" energy future "makes it hard to commit to the billion-dollar investments" such as a restructure of Tasmania's electricity generation system.
Feasibility studies would be done to investigate Tasmania doubling its hydro output through 13 pumped hydro schemes, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced yesterday, describing a vision for the state to become the "battery of Australia".
The schemes store water and pump it back uphill when power costs are low, then release to generate energy at peak times when power is expensive.
The state-owned utility Hydro Tasmania is also investigating upgrades at the aging Tarraleah and Gordon power stations which would also increase power capacity.
Energy consultant Marc White said the combination of extra generation at Tarraleah would make Tasmania self-sufficient on an average year, but had some "bad news".
"Pumped hydro is expensive and basically takes more energy to pump the water uphill than what you get out of it when you run it downhill the first time," Mr White said.
"And what we're talking about is the same sort of size as the Snowy Hydro pumped storage scheme so we'd be potentially competing against that system."
He said another factor was customers going "off the grid" and installing their own solar systems, a trend which has exploded in popularity.
"Those products are all competing for the same high-peak price market and the question is, will both of those projects survive?" he said.
The undersea electricity cable — known as the Basslink Interconnector — connects Tasmania to Victoria, "protecting Tasmania against the risk of drought-constrained energy shortages while providing Victoria and southern states with secure renewable energy during times of peak demand," the company states.
The cable failed in 2016, which — combined with catastrophically low dam levels — plunged Tasmania into an energy availability crisis, which has been the subject of a Parliamentary inquiry.
Feasibility study released on Good Friday eve
A study into the viability of a second Basslink cable was released quietly last Thursday, on a day known colloquially as "trash day" by journalists due to its proximity to the Easter public holidays.
The report by Dr John Tamblyn, which was a year in the making at a cost of almost $1 million, found there were limited scenarios where a second $1 billion cable would be commercially viable.

It recommends the State Government produce a business case, and "monitor the energy landscape".
Mr White said Hydro Tasmania's increased capacity could make a second cable viable, but described an uncertain future.
"The difficulty we face at the moment with the unknowns about electric vehicles, how much wind penetration, and what our major industries are doing in the future makes it hard to commit to the billion-dollar investments that have 40-year lifespans when there's so much uncertainty," he said.
Report 'embarrassing' for Government: Labor
Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman said the report's findings were now "out of context" following the Prime Minister's announcement.
"We need to ensure due diligence is undertaken, we've done that to what the second [cable] might look like in the current environment, [but] what we've announced yesterday changes the context and certainly does strengthen the case for a second [cable]," he said.
"In fact, it's almost a chicken-and-egg-type scenario; the sort of investment we were talking about ... will not only benefit from, but will be interdependent with, a second [cable]."
Labor's Scott Bacon said the cable study was embarrassing for the Government.
"The Government was trying to keep it secret and released it just before Easter," Mr Bacon said.
"Now they're saying the report is effectively redundant, this is embarrassing for the Government.
"They spent a million dollars on it, they're trying to bury it when what they should be doing is telling the Tasmanian people what they are going to do for renewable energy in this state."
Hydro chief executive Steve Davy told Sky News the Tamblyn report found there was a good business case "in some circumstances".
"Where there's the potential to add more wind and add more interconnection there's the potential to add more hydro capacity," Mr Davy said. "The three things need to go hand in hand."
Australian National University (ANU) fellow Matthew Stocks said pumped hydro would be important to balance Australia's currently fragile energy market.
"The electricity network is changing, as we start to put more wind and solar into the system, storage starts to become important to help balance out the differences," he said.
"In the past, we've had this view of big power stations where we just put out power when we want it.
"But with more and more renewables we need to be able to store energy when we have an excess ... such as when the winds are blowing and the sun is shining.
"The flip side is we need to be able to release that energy when there's a short supply.
"Pumped hydro is a very established technology, it's the cheapest way to store bulk energy."
The Government has not specified when the new feasibility studies into expanding Tasmania's hydro system will be delivered or detailed the expected cost of the reports.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency allocated $2.5 million towards one of the studies.
Topics: electricity-energy-and-utilities, government-and-politics, tas
First posted