FedEx is really sorry.
FedExYou know when people say "this is so bad, you couldn't pay me to use it"?
FedEx just upped the ante.
The shipping and logistics giant still relies on the often-criticized Flash animation technology to power some of its site, and so has begun offering $5 to customers as a sort of "sorry!" for the trouble.
"We apologize for the inconvenience, but it looks like your browser no longer supports Flash," FedEx's website kindly says. Considering top browser makers such as Google, Mozilla and Apple disable or don't include Flash by default in their Chrome, FireFox and Safari browsers, this FedEx message probably pops up a lot.
The site then goes on to offer $5 as an incentive, though you do have to spend more than $30 on your order because, well, it's not like FedEx is actually just going to give you the money no-strings-attached.
Of course, there's good reason not to take FedEx up on its offer anyway. Adobe Flash frequently struggles against security flaws, which has led companies like Google, Facebook and Apple to actively block it.
FedEx said in a statement said it's planning to upgrade its software during its "upcoming regularly scheduled IT update," though didn't say when that would be. The company also said people who don't want to use Flash can use its Print and Go service via email, mobile app or a USB stick.
"In the interim, as a gesture of appreciation for any inconvenience in the ordering process, we are offering our customers a courtesy discount," a FedEx spokeswoman said in a statement.
Adobe declined to comment.
First published March 24, 12:56 p.m. PT.
Update 2:30 p.m.: Adds comment from FedEx.
Update 8:53 p.m.: Adds comment from Adobe.