The G20 financial leaders have dropped a decade-long commitment to free trade after opposition from the US, raising fears the Trump administration could upset the global economic order.
The annual meeting of 20 finance ministers closed on Saturday afternoon without a statement voicing the bloc's longstanding opposition to "all forms" of tariffs and rules that favour one economy over another, after it failed to find a suitable compromise with Donald Trump's administration.
Trump's budget to be 'America first'
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney outlined President Donald Trump's budget "blueprint," which will be submitted to Congress on March 16.
Steven Mnuchin, the US Treasury Secretary, dismissed the group's traditional economic playbook of opposing protectionism as "not really relevant" any longer, and said the US now prioritised "balanced trade" over low border tariffs.
Mr Trump, who was elected on an "America First" campaign, blamed US manufacturing job losses on free trade and has already pulled out of a proposed agreement with Japan and other Pacific Rim countries.

He has also started the process to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada.
The development came as a major blow for many of the representatives at the summit, including China, Japan and European countries who view free trade as vital for economic growth.
In another major clash, G20 finance chiefs also rowed back on a pledge to support climate change finance, an anticipated outcome after Mr Trump called global warming a "hoax".
Wolfgang Schaeuble, the finance minister of host country Germany, seemed barely able to disguise his contempt, commenting that "one or other important member state needs to get a sense of how international co-operation works".

Mr Mnuchin said that even while America stood by its interests, it does not want to start a trade dispute and is not pursuing an isolationist goal.
The development came a day after Mr Trump and Angela Merkel met in the Oval Office. The German Chancellor had assured Mr Trump that her country would work to contribute its fair share to the NATOÂ alliance.

But on Saturday morning Mr Trump took to Twitter again to demand that Germany "pay more" to the US for its "powerful and very expensive" defence of the country.
He fired the social media missive from Mar-a-Lago, the private club in Florida that he has dubbed "the winter White House, where he is spending the weekend with Melania, the first lady.
In a separate diplomatic incident, China yesterday warned the US to remain "cool-headed" over North Korea after Rex Tillerson, Mr Trump's Secretary of State, warned that tensions were at "dangerous levels". In his first state visit to Beijing, Mr Tillerson warned North Korea that no option was off the table – including military action – after the country continued its missile launches amid fears it is preparing for another nuclear test.
China says it is doing all it can to put pressure on the North's nuclear ambitions, but fears the collapse of the regime, which could create a conflict on its border and the influx of refugees.
Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, said the US should "come back to the right track of a negotiated settlement" with the country.
Mr Tillerson broke with tradition by leaving the travelling press pool at home, choosing instead to be accompanied only by one journalist.
Telegraph, London