Mick had a point. The Bairnsdale pragmatist rang up the radio station to say words don't matter as much as deeds. "I mean sure, words matter, but at the end of the day it's what people do that counts. Whether you say chairman or chairperson is neither here nor there. The real deal is how you behave."

Dawn from Ballarat pushed a similar line, though her concern was the male silhouette in the pedestrian lights. "Who cares if it's a man or a woman, really?" she asked. "So long as kids know when to cross the road, it's beside the point. Anyhow, that little fellow seems more a stick figure to me, a gender-neutral bloke with a hat."
Nor did I argue, despite debate being a talkback staple. Every second Wednesday I present a language segment with ABC Victoria's Nicole Chvastek, exploring any topic from nicknames to proverbs. And last time round, to honour International Women's Day, we dug up the pervasive sexism of English.
"Working mum", say, lacks a male counterpart. Just as trophy husband isn't a thing, or groomzilla (despite the Macquarie's gallant listing), the father of all wars, a he-devil, a chorus boy, a drama king. When was the last time you met a male bombshell, a hormonal bloke, a sassy fella?
Even when we neutralise certain phrases, like high-maintenance partner, or bubbly performer, the stereotypes swim to mind. Au pair may well be French for "as an equal" but the equality is lip service thanks to years of cultural grooming. Sorry, spousing.
Such talk compelled Mick to ring. He didn't give a rat's whether Telstra staff called them manholes, or utility holes, or PAHs (person access holes), so long as they preserved his wifi signal – and respected women. "What we say and what we do are two separate things," he added, which finally triggered my debate reflex.
In short, I told him, one feeds the other. If not the cause of action, then language is often the symptom, an incidental clue to the speaker's condition and likely action. While Mick makes a valid point, it's also a simplistic one, since no word exists in isolation. Every word comes with a history, a moral lode, an implication. Sticks and stones may well break bones, but words can inflict deeper bruises.
Doco-maker Lauren Greenfield showed us that in 2014, making her Like A Girl video. If you remain among earth's 46 people yet to see the clip, then head for YouTube now. Young women await you, many of them moulded by the negative association of girl as a descriptor. Indeed, the language inspires their feeble actions of throwing and running on screen, until the spell is broken by younger girls yet to inherit the stigma.
As arguments go, Dawn from Ballarat stands on firmer ground. Those little green men are potential red herrings compared to the lasting impact of prejudicial speech. Exposing the gender-slew of certain adjectives (shrill, frigid, bossy), insidious verbs (sashay, flounce, nag) or pejorative nouns (hussy, frump, bitch) seems a greater wrong to right compared to a silhouette who keeps us safe in traffic.
Then again, the talk we talk is ultimately the walk we walk. Across the human spectrum, from age to heritage, from body image to general health, an ill-used word can bite and fester. You'll never eradicate every niggle in the woodpile – even using human now made me look twice – but exercising care with language translates as thoughtfulness, a template for empathetic action.
Though Mick's point has its merit. Firemen (the term) makes sense, labelling hombres in hi-vis tunics who fight fires. Whether Viola Davis won Best Supporting Actress this year, or Best Supporting Female Actor, won't stop our world from turning. Yet every change we make towards respecting each other is surely a step in the right direction, assuming we aspire to reach the other side.
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