Say the word privatisation and chances are you will get a passionate response either for or against. While the privatisation of infrastructure can and should yield considerable public benefit, we often see the privatisation of public assets done badly and see rising prices where usually the reverse should occur.
When we privatise we should seek to improve economic efficiency, not maximise sale proceeds. We should therefore encourage strong competition, and where that is unlikely to occur we need appropriate regulation: before the asset is sold.
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These views now seem to be gaining some traction. More people are now voicing their concern when governments privatise infrastructure assets without these safeguards in place.
These views can also be extended to human services where we have seen some recent disasters.
It's taken two years and counting to clean up the mess following reforms to vocational education. The VET-fee scheme saw vocational training carried out by the private sector rather than through the long standing and government provided TAFE and equivalent systems.
Rather than providing quality education at efficient prices, many VET providers provided poor education at inflated prices. In its recent report, the Australian National Audit Office concluded that poor design and a lack of monitoring and control led to costs blowing out and that insufficient protection was provided to vulnerable students from some unscrupulous private training organisations.
We have so far taken court action against four of these companies but it's the tip of the iceberg. The Australian Government Actuary estimates over a billion dollars of Commonwealth money in loans issued inappropriately by the education providers in 2014 and 2015 alone will never be seen again.
In this context, I feel it's my job, and that of the ACCC, to express concerns with certain proposed approaches to privatising human services. This extends to the potential challenges policy makers will face in delivering on the enormous benefits of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Those promoting the private provision of human services need to address key implementation issues if they are to advocate change. Simply assuming, as we have often done, that the private sector can do it better, without more, can be a recipe for a repeat of the VET-fee disaster.
So what is needed? The first step is to understand the difference between infrastructure assets and human services.
The key differences are, first, that the performance of infrastructure assets is easily measured; we can quickly tell if the assets are not delivering as they should. Second, the users pay for the services and will complain loudly if they have concerns.
In the case of human services, performance is usually hard to measure and to compare. How good is the education provided or the health service that is delivered?
In addition, services are often free or heavily subsidised. Users often do not have to pay for them. Left alone, in these circumstances the pursuit of profit will provide clear incentives for higher prices and poor outcomes. At best this means legitimate service providers fail to effectively or efficiently deliver the public objectives intended and, at worst, it invites rogue traders to take public funds and exposes often vulnerable consumers to unscrupulous practices. Simply saying private provision is always better ignores these obvious dangers.
What is needed are ways to ensure private incentives are aligned with the desired outcomes.
If we are to proceed, then the focus must be on consumer safeguards which can work.
This will involve carefully designed policy settings, close monitoring by a specialist and well-funded agency, and strong sanctions for non-performance. Effective policy settings are ones that seek to prevent participation by businesses not capable of or interested in meeting the objectives, setting benchmarks aligned with the objectives, and importantly allowing regulators to stop the flow of funds to participating businesses who systemically fail to meet those benchmarks.
Policy makers should also look carefully at the role commissions and targets play in lead generation and the potential for bad outcomes when not linked to quality.
While generalist regulators and laws such as consumer protection regimes can be expected to deal with the outliers that manage to slip through an otherwise well-designed regime, this is not a substitute for the specialist supervision and regulation required for high-risk areas.
The private sector is the preferred provider of goods where we have sufficient choice and must pay for the service, and/or we can easily measure what we are getting. Where these conditions cannot be met, naive statements that "private is better" are no substitute for well thought through reforms. And if, after careful thought, appropriate safeguards are too difficult, then maybe this is not a service suited to private sector provision.
Rod Sims is chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and speaking at the National Consumer Congress in Melbourne on Wednesday.