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Posted: 2017-03-14 14:44:30

In releasing new residential zones alongside a revised metropolitan planning strategy over the weekend, Planning Minister Richard Wynne promised the changes would "protect the much-loved backyard". Yet the new zones may actually intensify infill housing development through much of Melbourne, and signal a retreat from key elements of long-pursued reforms. While Wynne needed to act to fix flaws in the framework he inherited, the design and targeting of these changes is perplexing.

For many, the new planning scheme controls will be more immediately important than the metropolitan strategy, as they determine how intensely properties can be redeveloped for new units and apartments. The balancing act for government is to provide reasonable protection for amenity and character of existing areas, while ensuring sufficient supply of more diverse and affordable housing, such as smaller units for singles, couples and down-sizing retirees.

Wynne, it should be acknowledged, inherited a mess with regards to resolving this tension. For a decade, across both the former Coalition and Labor governments, a key strategy was the creation of "three-speed" residential zones, to give greater certainty to developers and residents about where new housing could go. A "go-go" zone would accommodate apartments and more intense growth; a "slow-go" zone would see moderate infill such as units; and a "no-go" zone would be protected from all but the most mild of changes. This would, it was hoped, ensure adequate housing supply while still protecting residential character.

After some hesitation by the Bracks/Brumby-era Labor government, then-planning minister Matthew Guy introduced the new zones in 2013. Unfortunately, however, he presided over a rushed and poorly guided implementation process. Plan Melbourne, which should have directed the application of the zones, existed in two different versions during the critical roll-out period. The housing projections in these two strategies were at once vague and wildly contradictory, meaning the zones were applied with little coherent overarching guidance. Some councils, such as Glen Eira, applied the "no-go" Neighbourhood Residential Zone to the overwhelming majority of their housing. At the same time, the "go-go" Residential Growth Zone was generally applied only to small areas.

Wynne therefore was faced with two immediate problems. The most obvious was that housing supply would be excessively constrained by the overuse of the NRZ. More subtle, however, has been the pressure on other areas. Concern about the extent of the NRZ has led to increased development pressure upon the mid-tier "slow-go" General Residential Zone. And in the "go-go" areas, councils are left trying to assess dense apartment complexes of four or more storeys with planning tools designed in the late 1990s and early 2000s for single and double-storey units. This is leading to poor outcomes in areas where growth should occur, threatening the community's support for the objectives of planning strategy.

The fiendishly difficult political problem facing Wynne was that, once given, the prized Neighbourhood Residential status was hard to take away. In response, the newly announced zones circumvent that issue by simply changing what the Neighbourhood Residential Zone is. Its defining feature, a default mandatory limit of two houses per lot, is gone. While the government has – mystifyingly or cynically, depending on your level of generosity – not released the actual zone text ahead of the controls' introduction, from what we know the new NRZ will likely be very close to the controls now applicable in the mid-tier General Residential Zone.

This isn't the anticipated roll-back of an over-applied zone. Instead, the old "no-go" zone has effectively ceased to exist.

At the same time, height limits have been raised in the mid-tier General Residential zone from nine metres to 11 metres. While the limit is now mandatory, this is likely to affect only a few particularly intense "outlier" applications. In most cases, the 11-metre limit is likely to exacerbate the current problem of developers pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in the "slow-go" General Residential Zone.

The headline initiative, a new "garden area" requirement, is also puzzling. Existing controls provide standards for site coverage and extent of unpaved surfaces, and the new requirements seem only subtly different to these. If the intent was to protect backyards, it seems odd that a more targeted requirement, such as a set percentage of unbuilt area behind the front setback, was not introduced instead. The requirements will be mandatory, but again, it seems likely that only a few especially bad applications should fail to meet them.

These changes therefore dramatically weaken the protection of the "no-go" areas and increase pressure upon the "slow-go" areas. At the other end of the spectrum, though, the assessment tools for planning in the "go-go" zones remain undeveloped. There have been hints that such a design code is on its way. Yet refining such controls will take time, and redevelopment in "go-go" precincts is happening now. Community engagement regarding the form of such a code needs to begin as soon as possible.

There is little doubt the "no-go" promise of the old Neighbourhood Residential Zone was made too widely. Yet the basic idea of the three-speed zones was sound. What is needed, though, is better directed application of the zones and more sophisticated tools for implementing them. The current framework risks asking too much of the community in lost amenity, while at the same time not delivering the well-designed infill housing Melbourne badly needs.

Stephen Rowley is a planning consultant, lecturer in urban planning at RMIT University, and author of The Victorian Planning System: Practice, Problems, and Prospects.

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