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Posted: 2017-03-07 03:58:44

Inspire getting ready for an interview.

Screenshot by Zoey Chong/CNET

Imagine a world where you'll be reading content generated by robots. It's not that far off, really.

Last week, Xinhua news agency sent its robot reporter, Inspire, to China's National People's Congress (NPC) session at the country's annual parliamentary meetings, known as "Liang Hui."

Its task? Interview high-level lawmakers.

The NPC session was Inspire's debut event and part of a series developed by Xinhua to demonstrate the robot's AI capabilities, which Xinhua says will be "a smart addition to thousands of journalists."

Introducing itself as an intern reporter, Inspire reportedly covered the entire event at Liang Hui, and short clips of its coverage are posted on various Xinhua platforms, such as Twitter.

Inspire is not the first robot reporter to get a job. In January, Chinese media outlet Southern Metropolis Daily published its first report written by robot reporter Xiao Nan. The Associated Press has also been a user of automated writing services since 2014 -- it covered more than 10,000 minor league baseball games last year with the help of automatically generated content.

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