Jakarta: A suspected terrorist believed to have links to Islamic State was shot dead by police on Monday after a bomb was detonated in the Indonesian city of Bandung.
There were no other casualties in the terror attack.

The man, who has been named as Yayat Cahdiyat by local media, was shot after a dramatic raid of a provincial government office where he had been holed up on the second floor.
He reportedly called on Indonesian Special Forces counter-terrorism squad Densus 88 to release terrorists from prison before he was shot.

The man had raced into the building after a bomb was detonated at Pandawa Garden in Bandung just before 9am on Monday morning.
West Java Police spokesman Yusri Yunus said the man ran into a nearby government office carrying a second bomb, which exploded inside the building. A second person, whom some witnesses claimed was a woman, escaped from the scene.
Mr Yusri said police attempted to negotiate with the terror suspect but raided the building after he set fire to the top floor.
"He ran to the lower floor, our officers entered, a fight ensued and the perpetrator was shot," Mr Yusri said.
The police medical team worked to save him but he was in a critical condition and died on the way to hospital.
Iwan, who was in the building, told tvOne the terror suspect threw chairs at him and said: Â "I don't need you, I need Detachment 88 to release my friends from the prison."
"I talked to him for a minute or two. He was squatting and I saw a cable near him, I was worried it was a bomb, so I asked people to get out of the building," Iwan said.
National Police Chief Tito Karnavian was quoted in online news agency detik.com saying the perpetrator of the attack was a recidivist terrorist who was jailed for three years for connections to military-style training in Aceh in 2011.Â
He declined to give his name but said that at the time of his arrest he had been a member of Jemaah Anshar Daulah (JAD), which allegedly has connections with the Islamic State movement in Iraq and Syria.
In December last year the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) named JAD Â the most dangerous terrorist organisation in the country.
General Tito said police also knew the identity of the second person who had escaped.
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