
It took just minutes for Midnight Oil's Melbourne concert to sell out on Monday afternoon, leaving thousands of fans disappointed.
Key points:
- Midnight Oil had promised special measures to beat scalpers
- Tickets resold for $632 each, shortly after being offered at $145
- Band has promised fans extra shows
But minutes later when tickets for the same event appeared for resale online — at many times the original price — disappointment turned to anger.
Stall tickets for the Sidney Myer Music Bowl show on November 6 were resold for as much as $632.50 each, shortly after being offered at $145.
And it is not just the Melbourne events. Prices for the concert in Sydney's domain have appeared on resale sites for almost $900 each.
Scalping is not a new problem. Tickets to see marquee acts such as Justine Bieber and Adele were offered for resale in the thousands of dollars.
But Midnight Oil is a band that has had a long and strong connection with its passionate fan base, and on the day it announced its long-awaited reunion, it promised special measures to beat the scalpers.
Those measures included limiting tickets to six-per-person and issuing paper, rather than digital, tickets which would not be physically sent to fans until August.
Ticket holders will also only be admitted to events if their name matches the name on the receipt. But the measures have had limited effect.
'This is just deflating'
On a Facebook page for the band's fans, anger boiled over and was targeted especially toward Ticketmaster, which sold tickets to the Melbourne events but at the same time, on its Ticketmaster Resale site, also offered tickets at inflated prices.
Fans like Rowena Cairns said shortly after tickets went on sale she could only get stall tickets for $746 each.
"Face palm. We just wanted some seats with the kids but can't pay this," she wrote on Midnight Oil Facebook fan group, Powderworkers!
Ian Barrett, a "die hard fan of 36 years", said he was left disappointed after trying to buy tickets.
"Not looking forward to going home to tell my kids we have missed out again this sucks."
"It's been a terrible experience for many fans," Chris Verdich posted.
"I know the band is not responsible, but this is just deflating."

'We share frustration over scalping'
Today, the band posted a statement promising extra shows, and warned fans not to buy tickets from re-seller sites.
"Such unofficial sites may currently be legal but they typically charge vastly inflated prices and sometimes even offer fake tickets," the band said.
"Midnight Oil is well aware of the problems caused by automated ticket buying around the world and the band is as frustrated as its fans are by this ticket scalping.
"It may be legal and impossible to stop in many places, but it is clearly a big problem for both fans and artists on all "high demand" shows these days."
The ABC has sought comment from Ticketmaster but the company is yet to respond.
Topics: music, arts-and-entertainment, melbourne-3000, sydney-2000
First posted