Muslim comedian Nazeem Hussain broke down in tears while recounting to the I'm A Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here! camp his family's fears after a terrorist attacked a Lindt café in Sydney in December 2014.
During a "radio" presentation with right-leaning journalist Steve Price, Hussain recalled how that event made his sister anxious about wearing a hijab in public.
Nazeem Hussain's tears on I'm a Celebrity
Recruited by Steve Price to appear on his Jungle Radio segment, Nazeem sheds a tear as he reflects on the public's reaction to the Lindt cafe siege in 2014. Vision courtesy Network Ten
"One of the things that made me feel positive about Australia going forward was remember that thing at the Lindt cafe? That was horrific and very frightening for a lot of people and my sister then texted me and she says 'Nazeem, I'm scared to wear the hijab home because I think people are going to attack us'. I said 'just take it off, don't wear it, you don't need to wear it if you're feeling scared'...," he told the camp.
"And then throughout the day that hashtag started trending #illridewithyou where people were volunteering to support each other; non-Muslims were volunteering to sit with Muslims to make them feel more comfortable.
"She then messaged me later saying, 'No, you know what I now feel more comfortable and safe knowing my fellow Australians are willing to stand up and support me'.
"That actually made me cry when it happened because we don't see that enough," a now teary Hussain explained. "We don't see Australians coming together for each other. And that man wanted to divide Australia. He wanted us to turn on each other, but what he did instead, was made us come together."
Ex-Miss Universe Australia, Tegan Martin, told the self-cam: "It's so hard to see your favourite person in camp, who is always making everyone laugh break down and cry."
"When tragedy happens, I always think, 'what's going to happen to us?' Are we just going to become what ISIS wants us to become? A world where is Muslim and non-Muslim. And when Pauline Hanson says things irresponsibly, what she's doing is exactly what ISIS is doing – splitting us Muslim and non-Muslim.

"But what happens time and again, and this just shows the Australian spirit, is that we actually find ways to use that opportunity to strengthen bonds and come closer together. It's weird me being emotional about politics like this, but it's personal for me."

Clearly touched by what Hussain told the camp, Ash Pollard told the cameras: "To hear that story from Naz was just heart-breaking and enlightening. I now have so much more compassion. We just live in boxes if we think that all Muslims are to blame for all this radicalism going on in the world."
Price was also touched.
"You're doing a great job as a spokesperson for your religion, your community and your mum. Good on you," he told Hussain.
Hussain had earlier explained that being a devout Muslim teenager during the September 11 attacks, he saw the change in society.
"After September 11, we became a political community that was ideologically opposed to the Australian way of life. I can understand non-Muslims in Australia are scared too. No-one really understands us. No-one understands terrorism. No-one understands to be Muslim or what Islam says of itself," he said."We talk about each other, but we never really speak and have friendships with each other. I'm an Australian, I love my country, I want to make my community and society better. I need to be using my platform to help people understand each other and bring people together."
Pollard v Maguire
Earlier Pollard, who once started on cooking show My Kitchen Rules, wasn't so compassionate about Keira Maguire's cooking, which she said had reached "rock bottom".
"There's no delicate way to put this, but lunch was without a doubt... Foul. Putrid," Pollard told the self-cam.
In typical fashion that has made Maguire famous, the ex-Bachelorette denied that being the case at all (even though she used the entire daily oil ration, leaving nothing for dinner).
"The lunch wasn't oily. I think anyone I said it was more oily than any other meal is lying. Everyone just needs to relax. It's not that much of a bigger deal. Oil is part of our intake for calories. So whatevs."
But matters heightened once Carson Kressley entered the campsite with Pollard and Maguire vying for his favour.
Carson Kressley's welcome
Kressley's entrance to the jungle in a giant box, while on a throne and holding a fake Cosmopolitan cocktail was as big as his personality. "Sorry I'm late. The traffic was terrible."
It wasn't long before Kressley needed a cuddle from Kris Smith, to which Smith tells the self-cam: "I think a lot of gay men find me attractive. It's a massive compliment. But they always make a beeline for me.
"... I'm sure he doesn't mean other than a little flirty thing by it, well I hope he doesn't 'cause he's definitely barking up the wrong tree."
Ex-Australian Idol winner Casey Donovan was rapt to have Kressley in camp.
"I definitely think that Carson is going to bring more positive energy into the camp. He seems like he is full of energy and full of beans. Well, he will. But no, he's definitely very positive and it was such a nice change."
Pollard was also happy. "Carson is just a breath of fresh air. He's a gift from the gods."
When comparing the intruders, particularly her nemesis in Maguire, Pollard notes: "Keira's welcome was... How should I say it? Not as welcoming. But Carson's has just been, like, you know, a fan fair."
Carson's bestie
Maguire later took Kressley to the shower, where she offered him tips about their fellow campmates, specifically Price.
"When I came in, Steve kind of tells you to do things. So just..."
Kressley quickly cottoned on. "I will probably give him the old uh-huh. Just smile and nod."
"Yeah, exactly. 'Cause I did the wrong thing," she said.
Kressley: "No, I'm a good smiler and nodder. Don't you worry."
In helping him get undressed, Kressley said: "This would be so romantic. If only you had a penis."
"Just the two of us?" Maguire said with a laugh.
"It's like I feel like I'm in The Bachelor," he joked.
Kressley told the self cam: "Keira has decided to be my new best friend. And that's kind of interesting."
Maguire's tips later extended to avoiding toilet duties. "Just stick with me, I'll make sure you don't have to do it," she whispered to him.
But Pollard warned Kressley away from Maguire.
"This one is nuts. A nut bag," she told him. "She has attached to you quite nicely. Just watch out. I'm not a bitch, but I'm just pre-warning you. Beware. She's come in for a reason and the reason is to stir up the camp. That's why she is the intruder."
The Grumpies
Meanwhile Lisa Curry and Tziporah Malkah were the ones taking greatest issue with Price in the wake of Maguire's #StevevsKeira tantrum on Sunday night.
"Yeah. I think I'm reserving my love for Steve Price for Monday night on The Project. 'Cause living with him... No matter he has been married four times. Four times or three times? That would drive me insane," Malkah and Curry discussed.
"He doesn't even say good morning. When you wake up, you go, 'Morning!'. Nothing," said Malkah. "How can you live your life so grumpy? I don't know. He's just a miserable old fart."
"I have a love-hate relationship with him in here. Some minutes I like him, some minutes I don't," said Curry.
Malkah: "I try to be cordial to him. We're not going to move in together. I'll be out of here, fairly soon, I suspect."
Curry tells the cameras: "I can see dynamics changing within the group. I sit back, I don't say too much, but I sit back and watch a lot. I see the sly little comments, the sly little eye raises and winks and the little groups that are happening I can see all that."
Continuing her conversation with Malkah, Curry said: "Some people have camp spirit and some people don't. And I like that camp spirit. I like the camp spirit. It keeps it light, keeps it entertaining, keeps it fun. Much more fun if all the fun people were left and all the grumpies went home."