Los Angeles: Anger is growing in the United States congress over Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's "secret" deal with the Obama administration to resettle refugees held on Nauru and Manus Island in the US.
The plan's two most vocal US critics, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley and House of Representatives Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, were given a closed door briefing by the State Department and Homeland Security in an attempt to appease their fears.
Karl Rove: Trump could flip Aussie deal
The former US presidential advisor says the one-off refugee resettlement deal with the US could be cancelled once the President-elect assumes office on January 20.
The congressmen are now demanding the deal, involving potentially more than 2400 refugees from potential terror hotspot countries including Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Sudan, be made public.
"We appreciate your making staff available to provide us with the document in a classified setting and to brief us regarding the circumstances surrounding the agreement," the congressmen wrote in a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry and head of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.
"It is now absolutely apparent to us that there was no reason for the agreement to be classified from the outset, and that it should not continue to be classified.
"To that end, we request that you declassify the document outlining the agreement so that the American people can read it.
"The American people have a right to be fully aware of the actions of their government regarding foreign nationals who may be admitted to the US."
The congressmen set a December 13 deadline for a decision on the de- classification.

The resettlement deal also faces being scuttled by incoming president Donald Trump, who last week vowed to stop the flow of Middle East refugees to the US "dead cold flat" when he moves into the White House next month.
Another US congressman, Texas representative Brian Babin, also blasted what he described as the "secret deal" hatched by Mr Turnbull and outgoing president Barack Obama.

Mr Babin has demanded congress reject a $US3.9 billion ($A5.2 billion) refugee funding request from Mr Obama.
"Remarkably, Obama's increased funding request comes at a time when the administration has cut a secret deal - hidden from congress and the public - to import nearly 2500 refugees that even Australia has deemed too dangerous," Mr Babin wrote in an opinion piece distributed to media outlets.
"The fact that the details of who these refugees are has been kept from congress should be reason alone to reject this funding increase - not create a slush fund to provide these dangerous refugees welfare and handouts."