
Two young sisters have drowned in a backyard swimming pool at Logan, south of Brisbane.
The girls, aged three and four, were found in the pool by their mother at a Kingston home about 1:30pm.
The girl's grandfather, Peter Brown, said the parents noticed the girls were not in the house and went looking for them.
"The oldest had a habit of running up and down the footpath," he said.
"They thought they went out and walked up the road and they went looking up the road for them, the neighbours were looking.
"And it was a last resort going back to the pool and they were at the bottom of the pool."
Mr Brown said his daughter and son-in-law were devastated.
"He's cut up something terrible and she's just as bad because she had to dive in the pool to get them out," he said.
"The parents, they done resuscitation and everything on them and the ambulance worked on them as soon as they got here."
Mr Brown said the pool had regulation fencing all around it.
"I don't know how they got in, very, very sad day I can tell you," he said.
Inspector Glenn Allen said the incident did not appear to be suspicious but police would conduct an investigation.
"We have our child protection officers here at the moment. Child safety officers have been advised and will be attending," he said.
"We've asked for assistance from the Logan City Council who provided us two pool inspectors to have a look at the integrity of the fencing around the pool.
"The family is one of five daughters, obviously it's going to be absolutely tragic that two of them are now gone."
Inspector Allen said a report would be prepared for the coroner.
Topics: emergency-incidents, children---preschoolers, logan-city-dc-4114
First posted