With their children now grown and having kids of their own, the pair decided it was time to return to the Australian mainland so they could spend more time with their expanding family.
"We feel like a new chapter in our lives is beginning, and we're ready to pass the baton to someone else," said co-owner Doug Beitz. "We've had our time in the sun and enjoyed a career most people would never even dare dream about, but our current goal now is to become professional grandparents."
The couple didn't simply want to sell their island paradise off to the highest bidder, however.
According to the company's website, the business is debt free, profitable and already fully staffed.
In the draw Tuesday, it was revealed that the winning ticket of the 16-room resort was number 44,980.
Before the draw took place, Doug had some very simple advice for lucky winner Joshua.
"Your life is about to change in a very special way."