The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and the voting system have come under intense scrutiny as reports of ballot issues in several seats continue to emerge.
Four states have been affected by mishaps, including shortages and incorrect distribution of ballot papers.
Many people have claimed they were unable to vote on July 2 and some votes have even been ruled informal due to AEC errors.
Here's a state-by-state breakdown of the reported incidents.
Western Australia
In the electorate of Pearce, 105 voters were given Victorian Senate ballot papers, meaning their votes have now been deemed informal.
The blunder happened under the supervision of an early polling mobile ballot team which visited various health and aged care establishments across the region.
On Wednesday, the AEC confirmed a register sheet for votes in the key seat of Cowan was separated from its correct container and some ballot papers were not initialled by the appropriate official.
However, the AEC has insisted this was a purely an administrative matter and count integrity was not affected.
While in remote areas complaints arose about late changes to polling times and locations which left hundreds of people unable to cast a vote.
Queensland senator Glenn Lazarus, who has not been returned, said many Queensland voters had contacted him to complain they were unable to vote due to polling booths running out of ballot papers.
The Glenn Lazarus team is compiling information from those around the country who were unable to vote which will then be lodged with the AEC as a bulk complaint.
Mr Lazarus has created an online form for people to complete which has been shared more than 600 times on Facebook.
"According to many people they were told by AEC staff to check their name off the electoral roll so they could be excused from voting to avoid a fine because the polling booth had run out of ballot papers," Mr Lazarus said.
"It will be interesting to see where this issue takes us. It could take us back to the polls. Perhaps this will resolve the issue of a hung Parliament."
Mr Lazarus blamed the mishaps on the fact that the Turnbull Government slashed funding for the AEC which reduced the number of polling booths and AEC workers around the country.
The AEC said it was investigating reports of wrong ballot papers being handed out in the electorate of Higgins.
For the first six minutes of voting at a South Yarra polling station, voters were given ballot papers for a neighbouring seat.
ABC political analyst Barrie Cassidy said an ABC staff member was one of several people who received the wrong paper.
"He went back and said, 'It's not the right paper'," Cassidy said.
"They got the supervisor. They noticed other such ballot papers had been torn off."
The AEC said it would investigate the apparent mix-up.
New South Wales
Independent candidate Rob Oakeshott and Greens candidate Carol Vernon, who both ran for the seat of Cowper, have lodged an official complaint with the AEC claiming the neighbouring seat ran out of Cowper absentee ballot papers.
Those who voted in the electorate of Lyne were reportedly told they would be signed off the electoral roll but would not be able to cast a ballot.
"People turned out to vote and didn't have the chance to have their say, and it's their right to do so," Mr Oakeshott told the Coffs Coast Advocate.
He said it was unclear how many people were unable to vote but he urged the AEC to clarify the issue.
Renewed calls for electronic voting
The slow count of votes and numerous ballot mix-ups has seen momentum gather for the case for electronic voting.
ABC election analyst Antony Green has indicated his support for the introduction of an electronic voting system for pre-polling and absentee votes.
"If you could do all of that electronically most of the reconciliation and the paperwork problems disappear," Green said.
He suggested having computers at large polling booths which would be used for absent voting.
"Much of the paperwork problems in polling places is to do with absent votes," he said.
"Every polling place in NSW had ballot papers for the other 47 electorates and some of the polling places seem to have run out of them.
"A lot of that may have to do with security measures ... When you have ballot papers you've got to account for the blanks and if you've got far too many ballot papers for absents at the polling places you have to account for all these blanks afterwards.
"They do seem to have cut back there to try and avoid the security issues and as a result in some places they've run out."
Some software engineers say current technology, secure enough to handle billions of dollars of transactions, could also deliver secure election results.
However other technology experts said it was still too much of a risk.
Topics: federal-elections, electoral-system, australia